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There they sat. In Harry's office.

Harry sat in his brown leather chair behind his dark oak desk, like it was his shield. The interviewer sat in the chair opposite him, the other side of the desk, in another brown leather chair.

This had been the first personal interview Harry Styles, head of Styles&Co, had given since his fame begun. Everyone always wanted to know who this tall, dark and handsome mysterious man was but he would always keep himself to himself. Now however. Now he was doing one personal interview for the whole world to know him.

His fame. His money. His life and his love.

"So lets talk love." The female interviewer who had been asking questions for the last couple of hours spoke.

This was the topic Harry knew would come up. The topic he dreaded the most. He hated the subject but he knew right now, there was no way to get away from it.

"Of course."

"So, you're on you second marriage correct?"

"Well, we have only just got engaged but yes, it is my second marriage." Harry spoke with the professionally voice he had been speaking with for most of the interview.

"Do you think its a bad thing that you're on your second marriage at the young age of thirty? Does love not go well for you?"

"I don't think its a bad thing that I'm on my second marriage, no. People get divorced and re-married all the time, whether its at my age or older, it happens. I think I did it to quick or for the wrong reason. For the love side thing, does love go well for anyone?" Harry chuckled nervously, hoping to get off the topic as quick as he could.

The interviewer chuckled lightly before asking her next question. "So, would you say you are in love with your fiancé Violet, daughter of a billionaire?"

"I wouldn't be marrying her other wise."

Harry spoke lightly, hoping his lie doesn't show though. Of course he loves and cares for Violet but being IN love with someone is a different matter. Harry has only been in love with one person and he didn't realise he felt that way until it was too late.

"As we are on the topic of love and marriage, I want to ask about the one who wasn't the one for you, your ex-wife Isabelle Matthews?"

Harry had hoped the topic of their relationship would've been swept under the carpet but of course the media wanted a story and this was a good one. One to reveal the real Harry Styles. A topic to try and bring the big CEO down a level and Harry didn't like the idea of that. Though wasn't that what this interview was all about. To show the world who this mysterious man, who seemed to come out of nowhere, was.

They wanted to sell a story and his broken relationship was it.

"I wouldn't say she wasn't the one for me."

As the words came out of Harry's mouth, his eyes widened and he looked away from the interviewer and to the camera. He was scared that Violet was watching this and would take it all the wrong way. Scared Isabelle was watching and thinking what an idiot he was for saying something like this on live TV.

"What do you mean by that Mr Styles?" The interviewer asked, moving closer to the edge of her seat like she would be able to hear Harry better by being closer to him.

"I meant that maybe it was just the wrong timing. Of course I saw a future with her at some point or I wouldn't have married her. Although at some point that faded and the feeling went away. I don't know, maybe we would've be it for each other if we had met at a different time."

"What do you mean by it faded? Why did the feeling of having a future with her stop?"

Harry didn't know what to say. He looked behind the camera and saw his dad standing there. It was his idea to do this interview. He thought it was a good idea. Right now, you could tell he was regretting it slightly. Harry's father was mouthing the words that Harry should say. The words that would be right for his family, for Violet and would make his life easier. But they wouldn't be the right words for him. For Isabelle.

Harry sighed deeply, looking at the camera, like he was looking at something straight in the eyes. He knew what he had to do. He knew what he was about to say. He needed to show the world who the real Harry Styles was. He needed to use the right words for him and Isabelle for once. For once he needed to do the right thing for her.

He needed to admit the truth.


So this is kind of a sneak peek to what's to come. I'm hope you like it and will read on when I upload the chapters.

Just a reminder this story will be slow updating so please bare that in mind as I am focusing on my college work more than this at the moment but I will try and write as much as I can.

Thank you for all your support so far, love you all for it. xx




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