Hole In My Heart

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Where did it go

The loved we shared?

I lost your look

So Unprepared.

Where do I turn

Without my love?

What do I do

What should I think of?

Love is a hole

Where people can dwell.

Love is a hole

That I know so well.

What will I do

To reach the top?

Will this pain

Ever stop?

I am drowning in a sea

Once love, now not.

And with this hole in my heart

I will just dwell and rot.

It is when I read this kind of poem of Nichole's that I get angry. This guy had her on such an emotional roller coaster for so many years.

I know he had her so brainwashed, telling her no one else would want her. That she was "lucky" to be with him. That she was ugly, fat and stupid.

Just to set the record straight, as you can see in her pictures, she defiantly NOT fat or ugly! If she was either of those things, so what, that still would not have given him the right to belittled her.  She was accepted into the pre med at Bowling Green State University just a few months before her death, so she was not stupid either! However she chose to go to Florida first and see how things went, she never got to do that either. He held her back for so long.

Please if you are in an abusive relationship, reach out for help, please. You do not deserve to be hit and told you are worth nothing. You are invaluable, there is no one else in this world like you, that makes you special. It is your abuser that feels worth nothing, empty, because he or she only feels strong when they make you feel weak and defeated. They are empty inside and take it out on you. They need help. You just need to get away from that situation.

No matter how much you want to help him "get help", until he or she is ready it will never ever happen. It IS NOT YOUR FAULT THAT YOU GET HIT AND BELITTLED! It is the abuser's fault. I know you might want to try and "make things better", you have a heart, and if you are female we have a tendency to feel a need to take care of things, to make things right.

You can take care of things, you can make things right - FOR YOU!! Please reach out.

Thank you for continuing to read Nichole's poetry. Please take a moment to vote. God Bless.

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