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Wondering aimlessly

And all I can think of is his face.

Thoughts of how it felt to love

Remembering, for this is the place.

Alone with nowhere to turn

And no voice to comfort me.

The only words I hear

Come from closed eyes and wind brisking through trees.

Weeping I touch my own cheek

The way my love use to.

But my lover has left me

And all these executions I must go through.

How does a heart heal

From the departure of it's meaning?

For my soul mate

Determined my entire being.

I lay here with my head

On this pile of stone.

Cold and alone

And our love you will not watch grow.

Memories are all I have

To keep my bed warm at night

But your departure

Wasn't something either of us could fight.

Inevitable that

This is the way it would be.

But dead you are not

For you live on in my memory.

She battled with what she knew to be true with what she wished to be true. As parents we balance that fine line between being a parent and being a friend. In my opinion it is so important to know the difference but also to have the ability to blur that line a little when our children need us to love them as their parent but allow them to confide in us as a friend. I always thought I was pretty good at this but obviously not as good as I thought since Nichole never confided in me when it came to this young man. I will always be plagued by this.

Thank you for continuing Nichole's journey with me. Please if you have any questions or comments, I welcome them. Please take a moment to vote if you are enjoying her poetry.

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