A Nightmares Living Hell

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Restless nights

Never ending.

Wondering suspicion

Always pending.

Thoughts of a love

That my be untrue.

Boundless emotions

My heart is going through.

Waking, wasteful moments

Sitting, wondering what went wrong.

My vision a haze

Memories a colorless fog.

Words spoken from only his lips

Giving heartache and pain.

He considers them gifts

For a true love.

My body yearns.

My admiration for his body

With the strength of a 100 fires burns.

Wanting what will never be

Words wanting to say, but I can't tell.

Is the eternity I am living

A nightmares living hell?

I wonder how different Nichole's poetry might have been if this young man would have been her first real  relationship. It is obvious by her words that she probably would have given into to him if he had pursued her that way. She obviously had deep seeded passion even back then!

All I can say on this topic is, thank you for not taking advantage of her when she was so vulnerable. She loved you very much! He knows who I am talking to.

There are guys out there that actually have scruples!!

Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now