When Nichole was Little

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Nichole was an amazing little girl. She was a quiet little thing but I guess that was because she always had someone holding her, talking to her or playing with her. Her brothers were fascinated by her and always wanted to hold her or feed her, heck sometimes they even wanted to help me change her and bathe her. I was memorized by her.

She wanted nothing to do with her bottle by her first birthday. She was potty trained by sixteen months. She was "talking" at eleven months. That is to say I understood her as mothers always do.

Nichole sure did love her daddy. He was an aspiring song writer and she loved it when he sang to her. She would want to be in his lap so often that he became quite proficient at writing as she slept there.

She at times was of course the bothersome little sister to her brothers but they were so patient and good with her. A memory that stands out for me is the day Jason brought home some crawdads from the river. He poured them out of his bucket for his sister to see. She wasn't so sure about them but Jason explained that everything was okay and he wouldn't let them hurt her. He showed her how to hold one and she was all smiles and giggles. I stood in the doorway just watching the two of them with such pride.

Nichole's oldest brother Random was always so incredibly protective of her. We lived in a very small town so on Halloween I would let him take her trick or treating. She wanted her big brother to help her dress up, not momma or daddy. So when they were ready he explained the rules to her with an almost paternal tone, "Hold my hand and you can't eat any candy until we get home, okay?" Wonder where he learned that from. She replied, ""Okay, Wandom, I weady" (she couldn't say her r's correctly till she was much older) and off they would go.

I am sure you have heard many times how fathers are so protective of their little girls. The old, "She isn't going to even start to date until she's thirty!!!" How they make it perfectly clear what will happen to the boy if he is inappropriate with her. Well that started very early for her with her brothers keeping their friends in line around her. Nichole was quite a cutie and her brothers had their work cut out for them, but they did a very good job.

I will share Nichole's brothers favorite memories of her in other chapters. Thank you for allowing me to ramble on about her, I just wish you could have met her. If you are enjoying learning about Nichole I hope you continue her journey with me. I will add more of her poems on Friday. Please don't forget to vote.

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