Baby Cousin

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Through times, hard and bad

We were with each other, happy and sad.

We sat on the sidewalks

We joked around, I loved those talks.

Words of wisdom we both did say

Of places we went, and games we played.

Boys were brought up a lot

And an underlying meaning we sought.

Tears we cried

Our fears we did not hide.

Comforting, support and love

Losing people to above.

We'll make it through sweet girl

Know always I'll be in your world.

Your shoulder to cry on, your best friend

Forever baby cousin, until the end.

I am going a little out of format publishing a story and a poem, but it seemed appropriate in this case. As I am sure it is evident, these two girls shared a life time of memories in just 21 short years.

Thank you for continuing Nichole's journey with me and for your votes.

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