Who Is That Person

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Who is that person

looking back from the wall?

Looking at myself

I become angry and appalled.

Who have I become

And where was I lost.

Gaining fame and looks

But what was the cost?

My shell the same

The one looking back at me.

But I am no longer

The caring one I use to be.

Lost in the compliments

Each so willingly gives.

Changing each day

A strangers life I now live.

Who is that person

Looking back from the wall?

When did I slip?

When did I fall?

Missing myself

I glance from the stare

This pain you understand

Because these thoughts we share.

When will we

Be who we once were?

Do you know the answer

Or have the cure?

Come back to me

Myself that is.

I look in the mirror

Myself I kiss.

A kiss of strangers

Not from me to me.

If reassurance never was

Where would I be?

Who is that person?

How could this be?

Who is that person?

Because it's surely not me.

When Nichole was still in high school she lost quite a bit of weight (her cereal diet I mentioned earlier). I believe she felt so different with everyone telling her how good she looked. She was getting so much more attention than she was use to. You see this is why her poetry is so eye opening to me. She knew she was a sweet person and loved so much by her family yet most of her poetry shows how much she didn't like herself. I think with all the new attention, she of course as the saying goes, had her head turned. She was not the "hey, look at me" kind of person in her soul except when it came to her clowning around. When she realized she was acting like "those" girls, it brought her back to earth. Unfortunately it would still be a few years before she would love herself like we all did.

Mothers please talk to your daughters or sons if they have been getting teased or bullied for their size. Even if they have lost the weight and start getting a lot attention. While they may seem to be glowing in all the new attention and friends, inside they may still be the struggling with that lonely girl or boy. Thank you for taking time to read Nichole's work. Please don't forget to vote. I will share more about Nichole on Tuesdays and her poetry on Fridays. 

Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now