Tearing Me Apart

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Petrified of the outcome

What will become of our love?

Thoughts tearing me apart

And it's all I can think of.

Where do we go

From the point we are at now?

I am not equipped for this pain

To handle it I know not how.

All was well

Then fate touched our path.

I never thought we would end

Always assumed we would last.

Now though

My outlook has changed.

Darkened, becoming more gloomy

Discolored with pain.

Hoping for the best

But no blue sky's can I see.

Hoping, wishing and praying

That he would still love just me.

Petrified of an outcome

What will become of our love.

Thoughts tearing me apart

And it is all I can think of.

During this relationship he would tell Nichole that she was ugly, fat, stupid and lucky she had him because no other man would want her. Nichole already had a fragile image of herself and this really messed with her head. She was definitely NOT ugly, fat or stupid. He even had to approve of what she wore. If you are wondering if I knew this while it was going on, I did not. I found out all these things after she finally let him go.

Every person, man or woman deserves to be treated with respect. If your feelings are being manipulated and you are being made to feel inadequate, take a look in the mirror. That person you see is special, there is only one you and you are unique and worthy of love and respect. Please reach out for help if you find yourself in a situation like this. If you like Nichole's poetry please vote.

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