My Prince

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Looking at your face

I feel a loss for words.

Your soul's music

My ears have heard.

Wanting to express in words

How deeply my love goes.

How every time you smile

My infatuation grows.

An amazing being

And here you are loving me.

My body I surrender

And you have my soul for eternity.

I dedicate to you

A single star glowing above.

Your movement is magical like that of a butterfly

Your words rise from your lips as though each were a dove.

No song could be arranged

No words sweet enough to say

To show how much you mean and

How you influence me day to day.

A simple thank you

Is all that is spoken with my voice.

And to love you eternally

Quite simply is my choice.

I refuse to insult

What my heart truly feels.

I know how astounding you are

And that my feelings are real.

I am your majestic maiden

And I am sworn to be by your side.

And to this vow

Of mind, body and soul I swear to abide.

This was written her junior year in high school. They had just started "seeing" each other. She was so under his spell, she couldn't even think for herself anymore. He had to approve who she could be with, what she should wear, and had to let him know where she was going and why.

Now I know Nichole could have said up yours buddy, but she really thought she was in love. She had for expectation as to what real love should be. She thought she was being a good girl friend if she did his bidding, but boy if she wanted to know where he was going or with who, crap would hit the fan.

I guess my point is, she was young and even though she was very smart when it came to love she was very naïve. You can see in the poem above how she almost "idolized" him. Their relationship was filled with fights, both physically and emotionally, and lots of tears. Over the years he demoralized her so bad, and made her question herself at every turn. That is not love!

She never came to anyone to ask, what should I do, or is this normal. She didn't want to upset anyone. I will go to my grave wondering why she didn't come to me with these kind of questions. We had a good relationship, she told everyone that I was her best friend. I would not have told her what to do, but I sure would have explained to her that while love is never perfect, or stress free, it should not be painful or hurtful.

 I am sure I will be able to ask her all my questions someday, in heaven. 

This is that last poem of Nichole's that I have found. It has been my honor to share my little girl's words with you, I am so glad that in doing so it has helped many of you not feel so alone. I know Nichole would be so happy about that. I would also like to thank you for allowing a grieving mother to ramble on so much. You have all been so kind and thoughtful. Thanks again and God Bless each and every one of you.

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Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now