Have You Ever Been Weak

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Have you ever been weak

Vulnerable in every way?

Your heart sinks into your chest

And you don't know what to say.

You try to understand

The feelings you feel

Not knowing what to expect

Wondering if it's real.

Have you ever been weak

To words spoken by a man?

Even though you hear them

You don't understand.

Your lost inside your mind

When you see him you become tense.

You try to understand

But it simply doesn't make sense.

Have you ever been weak

By only the sound of his voice?

It's like your under a spell

You don't even have a choice.

Just to see him smile

Gives your life true meaning.

To love someone so complete

With every fiber of your being.

Have you ever been weak

Simply by a thought?

To know that you're his

Your heart has  been caught.

You have no say

Your heart caught unaware

The man you've been searching for

Is standing right there.

Have you ever been weak

So much you couldn't breathe

With just the thought

That he would ever leave?

Even though there's nothing

Connecting this man to you

Without him you'd be lost

Not knowing what to do.

Have you ever been weak

To the touch of his hand?

You'd do anything in your power

To help this man.

To remain speechless

Your stomach turns and flips

From the smell of his body

And the taste of his lips.

As I have said, Nichole gave herself to him completely. I don't know what else to say on this matter. I am sure as you read on you will understand.

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