Letting Go

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To the love that left,

I send my goodbyes.

We couldn't make it work

Even though there were many tries.

At first I was lost

The idea that I no longer had you,

It was the hardest thing I've done

Realizing we were through.

I fought within my mind

Trying to find a way,

There had to be something

To say to make you stay.

Time heals all wounds

As it did with this.

I've excepted that we are done

That I'll never kiss your lips.

I feel like someone else

I found a whole new me.

What a different person

I'm ending up to be.

Thank you for the time spent

I'll never forget you.

I loved you for who you were

And the things you would do.

So goodbye love

I've finally let go...

Nichole actually did see how different she was when she wasn't worried about what he would say or do. She finally got to make her own decisions about what to wear, where she would go and who she wanted to hang out with.

This was Nichole's first serious relationship. I know sometimes you hear how high school sweethearts are celebrating fifty years together, this was not meant to be for her. It was a very turbulent relationship that lasted for several years, but she came out of it a stronger and more determined young woman. Again I remiss, but I wish she had confided in me more about how she was being treated, maybe, just maybe, I could have helped her skip some of the pain. 

I  have accepted that she was her own person and that she dealt with things the best way she knew how. As her "Momma", I just wanted what was best for her, and to be there for her through the good and the bad. I can't help help that, she was my baby and my only daughter, I wanted the world for her.

Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now