Tony Stark

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Tony sighed and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He and Dr. Banner had been working nonstop on the anti-Venom for hours and it was nearing three in the morning. He was on the brink of exhaustion and he decided that he was done for the night. He leaned against the wall, downing yet another cup of coffee. Bruce continued working, like he wasn’t the least bit tired. But considering the fact that he’d spent half the time here asleep, it didn’t surprise him.

The lab was empty except for the two science bros for the first time all day. Everyone else had gone to bed about three hours earlier. Bruce and Tony had stayed to work on the Anti-Venom before Osborn went Venom on them again. That would be bad. Tony hadn’t ever really been fond of Harry Osborn, him being the CEO of Oscorp, which was a major rival of Stark Industries. But he couldn’t let Venom get away. Tony had to help Harry Osborn, no matter how much he despised the kid.

They were close. Bruce and Tony had been working for a long time, and they were getting close. They’d taken blood tests from Osborn and found traces of Venom in the blood. They took the Venom and they’d used that to create the Anti-Venom and they were so close that Tony could practically taste it. Tony was getting excited about it, just like he did with every other experiment he’d ever worked on. He always put a passion in his work and he loved always being the smartest guy in the room, though ever since he joined the Avengers, he figured that he and Dr. Banner were tied for being smartest. They were both some of the most genius people alive.

But Tony was actually starting to get competitive with Dr. Pym though. He’d brought a man who’d been dead for years back to life. And that man had been a very good friend of Tony’s, and he wondered why Fury recruited Pym instead of him to help bring back Coulson. He figured that he chose Pym because Fury could barely tolerate Stark for more than an hour at a time. Any longer than an hour, and Fury’s eye patch would start twitching.

Tony ran a hand through his messy dark hair and sat the coffee cup on the desk. He ran his hand over his face and took a deep breath, trying to stay awake long enough to get to his room. His body was building up immunity to caffeine and Tony was fairly certain that, no matter how many cups of coffee he downed, he was going to collapse. Running a hand through his hair, he stood up straight and turned to Dr. Banner.

“I’m heading to bed. Another second and I’m going to black out. I’ll see you later. Don’t go Hulk, okay?” Tony groaned in exhaustion.

“Don’t worry, Stark, I’m fine. Go on to bed. We should be able to finish up by tomorrow.” Bruce informed.

“Good. See you tomorrow, buddy.”

Bruce simply grunted a response, returning to his work full-on. Tony started out of the lab, but not before grabbing a small object and stabbing Bruce in the side with it, electrocuting his friend. Bruce yelped in pain and Tony got close to his face, wondering if his eyes would turn green and he’d Hulk out. Nothing. Tony sighed in slight disappointment.

“Nothing? Seriously?” Tony mumbled.

“Tony…” Bruce groaned.

“You’ve got to give me something!”

“Tony, you know that you don’t want to do that…”

“Yeah, I do want to do that!”

“Tony, you see the Other Guy every other day now. Why does trying to force me into an episode bring you so much joy?”

“It’s funny.”

“It’s painful!”

“Which is why it’s funny.”

“You’re evil, Anthony Stark.”

“Thank you.”

Tony started out of the room, running his hand through his hair. He struggled to stay awake, his judgment cloudy. Maybe that was why he tried to induce the Hulk out. No, that was just pure idiocy, the same idiocy that Tony always had. He started out of the room, slowly walking out of the lab. Bruce returned to his work, not even seeming the least bit tired.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now