Chapter 35

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Lol you guys thought I would end it like that no. Actually I was then make a sequel but then I'm like how would I even start a sequel from that.

I hate her. I hate how she has to ruin everything for me just because her obsession. Tyler is probably never going to trust me again but I guess I understand. It's kinda my fault I didn't push away right away but I didn't respond either.

I'm on my way back to my house to try to talk his mom and get back at Debby. I'll talk to the guys about that one.

"So what you're saying Josh is that Debby forced a kiss on you to try to ruin the wedding and the relationship between you and Tyler and it worked because Tyler saw but now you need help with how to get him back." She literally just repeated what I said but I nod anyway.

"Give him space for about 3 days and then call him. He probably will answer and if not I'll talk to him."

"Okay I'll try." It's hard lot to be by Tyler.

"Okay now go be with your friends and stuff." She pushes me out of the kitchen.

"What did you fucking do to Tyler?!" Pete speaks to me first not nicely though.

"I didn't do anything it was Debby! That's why I'm talking to you guys. I need help to figure out what I should to get her back and out of my life." Everyone else nods in agreement and Pete just glares at me.

"Well what things does she hate?" Hm.

"She hates having her clothes ruined. Even if it's just a stain." That's when Brendon smiles at me. This is going to be great.

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