Chapter 20

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Oh my gosh oh my gosh this is not sick. I had to come in today so I can get ready for tomorrow and my mom didn't even tell me that she just brung me. Does Josh even know. If he does I swear I'm going to fight him. If he doesn't I'm still going to fight him for not knowing that his precious boyfriend is in the hospital because pre surgery care.

Right now the nurse is hooking me up to various tubey things.

"Do I have any visitors?" Josh come though please.

"Yes there's a boy downstairs with blue hair he said his name is Josh." Blue? I thought it was red well that's what he told me it was. He must of re dyed it and I didn't notice because you know I can't see.

"He can come in after I finish up here okay?" I nod and let her finish.

"Hey ty guy."

"Hi jish." I feel his weight at the end of the mattress.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything." He sounds like a mom and a nurse.

"Chill Josh I'm okay just sleepy, you sound like a mom." It's true I am pretty sleepy I think it's the medicine they gave me.

"I'll let you sleep then Tyler. It's like what 8 pm you should get some rest I'll be sleeping in this chair okay?." I hear him move the chair closer to my bed and smile.

"Okay Josh. Goodnight I'll see you later." I took the opportunity. He laughed a bit.

"Goodnight baby boy."oh man I don't think I'm ready I've never had surgery for anything. I don't even go to the doctor that much.

Yes you do Tyler you go every month because of me.
No... I haven't been this month because of you. Josh has been helping.
But when Josh leaves you you'll just be here again and maybe even dead am I right.
I suppose you are.

"I love you Josh, no I'm in love with you Josh." I said it even though he's already asleep.

I hear Tyler but don't even say anything back. I love him too but not like a family love... I'm in love with him too.

Did I plan for the surgery to be on chapter 21 no but I'll roll with it.

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