Chapter 22 (part2)

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Right now instead of everything being black it's white. I can hear everything going on and feel pressure on my body but I can't move.

"Okay guy all we need to do know is stitch him up and then bandage him then we're done." That's it? How long have I been out for and where's my mom and Josh?

Tyler you know it didn't work right?
The surgery isn't going to work I bet. You'll just be blind for ever then no one will love you.
You're bluffing.
Am I really? Just wait.

And with that everything started turning black slowly and I have the urge to scream. What's happening to me.

Josh (pov)
"Excuse me but are you um..Josh dun?" The nurse looked down at her clipboard laughing a bit at my last name.

"Yeah why? Is Tyler okay?"

"Yes he's perfectly fine. There was no altercations and he should be able to take the bandages off in about 2 days. But you will have to change them between those days. He will gain it back slowly during those days too so when changing the bandages he may be surprised when he can see colors but very very blurry then move on to shapes but blurry too."

We start walking to his room and she opens it. When I walk in I see my Tyler laying down I think sleeping with the Doctor next to him.

"It was easier than we thought so instead of 3 hours (I'm guessing) we only took 2." Okay so that's why his mom isn't here I'll have to call her.

"And don't worry the anesthesia should ware off in a couple minutes and he should wake up. When he does start talking to him so he won't get scared and such. Once his mom gets here we can release him an hour or two after if his platelet count is good and etc." I kinda ignore him and sit next to Tyler holding his hand. After a couple minutes the nurse and doctor leave.

"Man Tyler I'm so happy it went well. I'm so excited for you. The first thing we're going to do as promised is a movie marathon so you can actually see the characters, see your new room, looks at our paintings, see dead pool, and then watch the stars. Not all in that order but yeah." I squeeze his hand hoping for one back but nope he's still out. It's peaceful seeing Tyler sleep and his chest rise up an down.

"It's kinda cliche how I said how I am in love with you at that moment right? Like a bad romance movie. But that's okay because that's how we work right ty?." Knowing i wouldn't get a response I was really surprised when he spoke.

"Totally. Or like those bad teenage movies where the girl is like 'I'm not you're average girl' like shush you know you are." He starts smiling and I hug him carefully avoiding wires and trying to not hurt him.

"And Josh don't worry if we're cliche. We're cute anyway."

"Yeah but you're the cutest." I was expecting him to say no you are but knowing him I didn't get that.

"Yeah I know I am." He was smiling still.

"But you don't know what you look like?"

"Shush Josh. That doesn't matter, I'm cute okay." He put his finger on my face I think he was trying to get my lips but didn't.

"Yeah you're right, you are really cute." And with that I kissed his finger then his cheek.

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