Chapter 13

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"So what did you want to talk to me about ty." Hahahah nothing.

"Well you know how I've been kinda down and no one knows why.?" Obviously he does. He mumbles a yes and I take a deep breath.

"Okay well this night so crazy but iliketothinkthatitsblurryfacesfaultbecausetheytauntmeineverywaytryingtokillme." I say really fast and he doesn't reply.

"Wait can you repeat it because well you were talking too fast." Darn.

"Okay, well I've been down a lot lately because of BlurryFace."

"Who's that ty?" How do I put this in words.

"Well BlurryFace is I guess all of my insecurities in one being basically trying to take over and have their way with me. It sucks really." I cross my arms and wait for a reply.

"Tyler this BlurryFace isn't going to take you away from me and you know I'll help you though it all. I can't say I understand completely because well I don't know what it's like from your perspective but I'll try my best." I reach for him and hug him.

"Thanks josh I really appreciate it. I know it sounds really crazy and I'm probably crazy." He laughs a bit.

"You're not crazy ty but if you where you'd be my little crazy Tyler."

"I'm not little. I'm a grown man." I huff.

"Yeah but you're still little to me love." I just nod.

BlurryFace hm. I need to know more about him, her?.. Them.

"Josh what time is it?" I look over to the clock and it's 9pm. I didn't even notice how late it was.

"It's 9. Your mom should be back in an hour right." He nods his head and I reach for the tv remote to turn on some music. Just for you by Joel Faviere comes on and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Jack was here: heyo Josh.
Josh Drum: I can't talk rn I'm with ty.
Jack was here: ooooh u suk him yet.
Josh Drum: leave. Wait also he's my boyfriend now.
Jack was here: wait really woah when details
Josh Drum: bye Alex ,':)))

I put my phone down and stand up pulling Tyler with me.

"What are you doing?" I don't say anything and kiss him. His lips are really soft.

"What was that for Josh?" I honestly don't know.

"I don't think I've kissed you yet so why not do it now. By the way your lips are really soft." He blushes and laughs. More like a giggle though. He wraps his arms around my neck and I look at him. His eyes are glazed over and he is trying to hide his smile.

"You don't have to hide your smile Tyler it's beautiful." He just blushes a deeper shade of red and this time he kisses me but right when our lips meet the front door opens. In steps his mom and we just awkwardly step away from each other.

Really mom.

"Oh hey Josh I appreciate you being here with Tyler while I'm at work." I hear her shuffle pass us and I sigh.

"Well that was great don't you think. She's early too it's only 9:20pm." I just shrug and sit back down on the couch feeling Josh sit right next to me.

"All this couch and you sit right next to me." I smile while saying it and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah but you love it." I mumble a yes and I yawn.

"I'm going to bed Josh are you staying with me or." I stand up and just start walking to the stairs.

"I'm staying and careful ty don't run into anything." I feel him grab my waist from behind and lead me to the stairs.

"I've been living in this house for 21 years Josh I know how to get to my room." I say as we make it up to my room.

"Can you get my pajamas out of the dresser they're in the third door." I start undressing and I feel my clothes being thrown at me.

"Put some clothes on jeez Tyler I'm just a child!" He says and I feel the other side of my bed weigh down.

"You can wear some of my pajama pants if wanted Josh." I lay down and hear shuffling.

"Thanks Tyler." He wraps his arms around my waist and cuddles me. This is nice.

"Only 20 more days Josh. I'll be able to see." I snuggle into him.

"Tyler I can't wait it will be great."
A/n I'm going by today's date January 23 soo.

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