Chapter 4

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Hahaha 2 updates in less than an hour. I updated again and this one is longer  bc I felt bad.
Woah. I'm going to get to hear Josh play drums which probably means he's going to want to hear me sing. I can't sing though. You know what Tyler let's not worry about that right now let's just tell mom where I'm going and try to have a really good time. Yeah that sounds like a plan.

You should worry though, you suck at singing trust me I've heard you.
Well even if I do he wouldn't judge me, he's too nice.
He will judge you. He'll try to cover it up by complementing you.
Just go away.
I'll go whenever you're ready to go down with me.
You're not going to get to me. Even when I'm weak and beaten down Ill have help, I have my mom and Josh. I'll have their help to take you out.

"YO MOM CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE."  He could be here any minute.

"Yes Tyler?"

"My friend is going to pick me up and where gonna chill okay?"

"You have friends now?"

"Yes believe it or not." She tries to cover up her laugh. Yeah be proud. I make friends with complete strangers I run into on the street.

"Well come on downstairs." I make my way to the start of the railing and slowly but surely make my way down the stairs. Just in time for the doorbell to ring.

I ring the doorbell that's glowing a light blue (just like mine weird) and wait. What if this is the wrong house, they're gonna think I'm weird. A random guy with redish hair looking for a blind guy. The door opens and there stands what I expected to be Tyler but it was a woman.

"Um hi. I was wondering if Tyler is here?" She just looked me up and down and went back into the house. Less then a minute later she's walking behind Tyler.

"Hi josh." I smile trying to hold it but it fails. He won't see it anyway.

"Hi Ty."  He makes an weird face.

"Ty? I like it" oh thank god.

"Well let's roll out autobots." Why am I lame.
"Well we're here." Here we go.

"Yep. Well if you don't mind me asking, can u help me like into the house and stuff? I'm not really familiar with the la-."

"OH, of course just wait let me help you out and stuff." I get out and rush to his side of the car and help him out.  Ok so we step over the curb. Good. We get onto the pathway which leads to 3 stairs. 1..2...3. Ok great job ty. Now we have to get in.

"Wait a second I need to unlock the door." Why won't the key go in the door. Wait wrong key. Here we go.

I help him into the house. "Welcome to my my home, where my mother isn't here till 8 and I eat my heart out till 9." I wait for him to say something. Wait. He can't see right.

"Josh I'm going to assume it looks very nice. But hey let's go to your drums I want to hear you play." That means more stairs then.

"Sure we have to go down a couple stairs then." He nods

"I think I can make it just lead me to the rail and I can do the rest." Well you are very confident.

"So here you can sit here and I'll get my sticks."  I wonder what I should play, maybe a blink song. I sit back down seeing Tyler just looking down.

"I now introduce you to Josh dun playing all the small things on his drums!" I say in the best announcer voice I have. I laugh when I see Tyler woo-ing and clapping.
2 minutes and 54 seconds later of drumming I'm done. I wait to see his expression and he's smiling looking like he's about to start woo-Ing and clapping again. He does.

"That was really good Josh. You have a lot of talent."

"Thank you Ty, maybe you can sing for me now."

Hahahah you thought.

"I would but idk any songs sorry." I try to play it off but he doesn't fall for it.

"Come on Ty you and I both know it will be great." No.

"Okay. Um I'll sing.. Im yours by Jason Mraz." Here we go.

"Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted"  voice don't give out now please.
"Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.
I reckon, it's again my turn
To win some or learn some."
A few more verses and I'm done.

"Baby, do you believe, I'm yours?
You best believe, you best believe, I'm yours." I breathe out, I'm done finally. I wait for him so say something.

"THAT WAS AMAZING." He started clapping and I smile feeling the blush rush up to my cheeks.

You actually sucked and you know that.
Go away.

"Thanks Josh. I appreciate it."

"Want to go eat some pizza rolls because I do." I laugh a bit.

"Sure. I could eat."

Of course you can, don't you think you're a little too fat Tyler.
I'm not even fat. Just leave.
By the way I don't re read this after to check for spelling errors so. If somethings are misspelled horridly I'm very sorry. Also bolded sentences in Tyler's pov is BlurryFace if you didn't know. I bet you did though. Anyway stay street.

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