Chapter 37(the real final)

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Currently Tyler and I are cuddling and listening to music.  It's been about like 3 days since we got back at Debby and she hasn't tried to call me once.

"Tyler you know I love you right." He just giggles and turns around to where his head is on my chest.

"Yes Joshua I know. You've said it to me five times in the last thirty minutes." I start blushing and he laughs.

"But yea I love you too." We get silent again but there wasn't awkward tension is was comforting. It didn't last long as Tyler's phone goes off.

"Dude come over we're having a bonfire."
It's Ryan.

Tyler looks at me got approval and I nod.

"Okay sounds sick we will be there in ten minutes cool?"
"Yeah." He hangs up and were forced to get up and get clothed.

We're almost there when Tyler takes the auxiliary cord and hooks it up to his phone.

"I'm about to play some sick jams." I laugh.

"Okay go for it." That's when he starts playing kazoo kid remix. I literally drive faster and he notices and laughs.

"Okay chill. I'm kidding. Maybe." At that moment he 'dabs' when the beat drops.

"This everyone is my husband." I laugh and he does too. He turns off the song once we pull up to Ryan's house. Instead of going to the front door and knocking we just head to the backyard and get greeted with various hellos from the guys.

"So you guys ready to get crunked." Pete says while holding Patrick in his lap.

"Please never say that again. I love you but no." Patrick says while look at him. Pete just shrugs. This will be fun.

Brendon is lighting the fire right now and I'm sitting in joshes lap.

"Watch your eyebrows." I say to Brendon once he put the paper that's on fire in the pit. He immediately puts his hand over them so they don't get burned off because how close he is too it.

"Good job."

"Yeah yeah thanks Tyler." I smile and we continue conversation.

"So guys.. What about that honeymoon trip." Ryan asks me and everyone looks at Josh and I.

"Umm I don't know really. Um babe?" I look to Josh and he thinks for a second.

"I don't know how about Vegas?" He suggest and I think about it.

"Seems fun. Deal." I shake joshes hand.

"So Vegas? So romantic." I nod at Jack. It's super romantic.

"You guys wanna be super lame and play truth or dare?" Patrick asks and everyone agrees.

"Okay I'll start, Josh. Truth or dare." Patrick asks him and knowing how he will probably pick truth.


"Okay... So. How many times have you and Tyler had sex?" I start blushing and he does too.

"I don't know honestly probably like five times. " really five?

"Ooh getting busy." Alex exclaims and I blush harder. What friends I have.
(3rd person now wow)

Everyone is getting a bit sleepy. Brendon, Ryan, and Dallon are all laying in the grass. Dallon and Ryan cuddling Brendon.

Jack and Alex are in a lawn chair whispering to each other. Pete and Patrick are cuddling but Pete is running his hands through Patrick's hair.

Then there's Josh and Tyler. Tyler is still in joshes lap and they're just sleepily talking to each other still.

"Crazy how all of this happened just because I ran into you." Josh says sleepily while running his hands down Tyler's side comfortably.

"Yeah I know. Maybe if you looked up from your phone I wouldn't have fell and hurt my butt." Tyler laughs as Josh just blushes. Tyler starts running his hands through joshes blue hair.

"I love you." Tyler whispers and Josh stays silent.

"And I love your body." That makes Tyler sit up and laugh.

"You fuck boy." He lays back into Josh and Josh laughs.

"Yeah but you love it."

"Yeah I do."
The end

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