Chapter 32

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This week has been hectic for me. Tylers mom was having me do all this last minute stuff for the wedding and we got it all done we just have to wait now. Its currently Wednesday and I'm out by myself to go get Tyler and I's suits. Tux? I honestly don't know is that bad.

Once I arrive at the place I'm greeted by Halsey again and we make small talk.

"So you and your boy toy excited for the wedding ?" She's currently searching for the bags they're in.

"He's been stressed but I've been keeping my cool. It's going to be a surprise wedding I guess." She nods her head in understanding and keeps looking.

"I hope you have a great wedding Josh." I reply a quick thank you and drive to Taco Bell to get us some food.

When I arrive back to Tyler's I go straight to his room and plop down into his bed and he makes the most inhuman noise ever.

"Oh my are you okay? Did I squish you Tyler?" I laugh a little when I pie his side and he yelps.

"No no Josh stop no." Is all he can say as I start ticking him. He ends it by telling me that our food will get cold if I don't stop.

"So tyjo how's your day going?" I stuff my face and look at him.

"It was good until you came in and tickle me out of no where but I guess you made up for it with this food." He smiles at me and takes a bite too.

"That's good." I get up to turn on the tv but then notice it's 8pm.

"Hey Tyler wanna watch the stars tonight. It's a full moon." He nods in excitement as I plop down on the bed next to him.

"Good now we have plans." I say while starting the movie. The bee movie

It's currently 10 pm now and we watched all the shrek movies may I might add.

"Yo Tyler let's go." I get up and he follows me to his backyard.

"Where watching them here? You can barely see them here." He looks confused but I start climbing the side of his house. Good thing there's vines growing here or this wouldn't have worked.

"Follow me future Mr.Dun." I smile at him as he starts climbing up and laying next to me.

"This is a way better view thanks Josh." He kisses my cheek and I blush. After so long of him doing things like that I still get flustered. Oh what he does to me.

"Tyler you know I really love you and I'm happy to have you here."

"I know I'm quite a cool kid but Josh I love you too. Without you I'd probably be 6 feet under." I start playing with his hands feeling a bit gloomy after he said that.

"Don't worry though I'm still here and I'm happy." He kisses my knuckles and I smile.

"and I'm happy for that." After that it stays silent as we look at the stars.

After an hour I say something cheesy about how I love him more than there are stars in the galaxy but then I realize he's asleep. How am I supposed to get him in his room? I don't want to wake him.

I sigh in defeat and I just lay there and text his mom.

"Where on the roof." I text her and cuddle him close. Can't let him be cold.

"I love you." I say before shutting my eyes.

"I love you too." I smile and drift off to sleep.

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