Chapter 15

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"Okay Tyler I understand." So I guess I have to watch out for that Jenna girl now.

"Wanna go back to story telling ty?" He nods eating more candy.

"Hey Tyler are you a virgin?"

"Wh-what?!" He coughs a bit and I see the blood rush to his cheeks.

"It's a simple question. I'm asking because well one you're incredibly hot and you're what 22 so I mean." Maybe I should stop.

"Well if you must know Joshua I'm not a virgin." Oh.

"Who was the lucky person?" How many was before me ugh.

"Your mom." He says trying to hold back his laugh and I just stare at him. I like his laugh a lot actually.

"You know what ty forget you to." I cross my arms turn away from him.

"No come back I need you to talk to." I stay silent and walk to the door opening and closing it standing still as I could be.

"I know you're still here Josh I can hear you breathing." How can he hear me I'm like 67million yards away from him.

"We can cuddle." And with that I sit right back down with him and and we cuddle.

"Josh I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"What if they mess up the surgery? That means they mess up how my eyes look and I'll still be blind. I don't want it to not work." I rub my hand against his arm trying to soothe him.

"I don't want it to mess up either but Tyler I bet they won't... I know they won't okay? It's going to be okay. Once you can see we can go star gaze and watch movies and shop and all of that."  I see him smile and I do too.

"Thanks Josh really, I never thought I would meet someone like you."

"I am one in a million."

"And that's what makes you special because you were so hard to find."
--- a/n

Quick update yeah at 11pm

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