Chapter 27

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Currently Tyler and I are at Alex and jacks house but right when we enter Jack yells at us these exact words. "DAMNNN TYJO BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE TYE DYE VANS."

We both look at him and then I look at Alex and he shrugs. He mouths 'Just let him.' And i do.

"So Tyler I bet you've heard a lot about us." Jack wraps his arm around Alex and raises his eyebrows. Tyler just nods a no and speaks.

"I don't actually well I might've heard your names but i don't think I'll get them right."  He just stares at them and I cough.

"Tyler this is Jack and this is Alex." He does an ohh face and apologizes.

"It's cool Tyler.. I mean you don't get any pizza now but it's cool." Alex says trying to hold back a laugh and I hit his shoulder.

"Don't be mean to baby boy." And Tyler just shushes me.

"Well then let's get as you young kids call it 'lit'." And that is what we do.

These guys are pretty cool. So far were watching built for the kill and eating a lot of junk food. It's actually kinda cute because I'm snuggled up to Josh and Jack and Alex are cuddling too. Even though Alex  literally just choked on a jelly bean it's still cute.

"Bro are you okay?" Jack asks Alex while patting his back.

"Yeah bro I'm fine now since you're here." Alex replied.

"Bro I can't believe we're homo buddies." O my.

"Same bro. Bromo buddies." They fist pump then kiss and me and josh look at each other while laughing.

"Don't judge our love."

"Oh we're not... You guys are just so cute as bromo buddies." At that moment me and josh loose it and they stare at us.

"Trust us we know we're cute." Jack says sassily while cuddling back into Alex and eating more pizza.

Lol I've been gone for awhile opps. This is also really short sorry. In like two chapters I'm going to time skip like a month is that okay?

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