Chapter 19?

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"Good morning Tyler."

"Mhm hi." He sounds really tired. I mean I would make sense.

"Ow. Ow. Nope no ew ow." I look over and he's trying to sit up. I didn't mean to hurt my baby.

"Are you okay ty?"

"No not really I just want to lay down all day it hurts."

"I'm sorry." Last night Tyler decided that he wanted to um yeah before his surgery.

"So why don't you show me how much you care?"

"What do you mean ty?" He doesn't mean.

"You'll see Josh just drive to your place." It's happening. Right then I start to pick up my speed while driving just to get there faster.

Once there Tyler got um how do you say...lustful?

"Josh I need you to do something for me okay?" Okay.

"Sure what is it babe?"

"I need you to fck me." He whispered in my ear then started kissing my neck.
'End of flash back'

"Want to order pizza and chill all day then?" Sounds good to me.

"We could as you kids say Netflix and chill."


"Or Hulu and woohoo, iMax and climax, blockbuster and c*ckthruster." I end up laughing hard and Tyler joins.

"No Tyler even though that was good no more till you feel better okay babe? I don't want you to feel bad when you have to go into surgery." It's quiet for awhile.

"Oh yeah surgery. Two more days josh. You think I'm ready."

"Of course baby boy I think you're more than ready now."

Lol this was bad bc I can't write smut.
Anyone want to help me write it? Message me ,':)

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