Chapter 9 (in the afternoon)

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I've been here for what 3 days and Josh has came each day to see me. One day we would talk about random another day we talked about how I'll finally get to see for the first time. The doctors has told me that my operation is February 12th.

I'll be able to see after that. I can't wait.

Alex + Jack: hey are you going to see him today
Spooky Jim: yeah why wouldn't I?
Alex + Jack: idk isn't he able to go home today
Spooky Jim: yeah. But he doesn't want to be in his room and if he does go he wants someone there with him, which is hard because his mom works during the day.

Alex + Jack: how about u just spend time with him?
Spooky Jim: oh yeah.! I'll try. Bye alex
Alex + Jack: wait for me mate. Or not.
"Tyler, I've decided that I'll be with you at your house when you feel alone okay? If you want me to." Yes? No? Maybe so?

"Sure I'm okay with that it would be nice to have company." His voice is still hoarse from recent attacks but that's okay.

"When is your date for surgery?" Plea don't be supper soon like 3 months please.

"It's next month February 12th." Oh.

"Yeah I can't wait Josh. I'll be able to see, you know what that means?."

"What ty?"

"I'll be able to see my mom for the first time and me. After all these years I get to know myself and my family and you." I smile a bit and grab his hand. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Hello, Tyler you'll be able to go home in an hour so we're going to unhook you from the machines and uhm Josh here can help you with the rest." Wait am I taking him home. I don't know if I'm responsible enough for that.

"Okay, Josh my mom told me my clothes are in the closet by the bathroom if I remember correctly."

"Okay I'll be back." Do i have to help him change? What if I like just turn them to the right side and have him handle it.

Once I found his clothes. A white shirt and blue skinny jeans I look over around his bed and find his black converse.

"Ok ty I have all your clothes do you need help to the bathroom?" He shakes his head no.

"I'll change here, it's easier plus you're right there if I need help." Oh. I help him untie his gown and I make sure it stops at his waist until he gets his underwear and pants on.

"Okay here's your shirt." I show him where the head hole is and then he handles the rest. Hah head hole.

"Okay here's your underwear and pants. After that we can go." I show him where the front of the underwear was then I turned away as I heard the gown move.

"Okay I think I'm done." I turn around and yep he is done and looks amazing. 11/10 Recommend to have a Tyler Joseph in their life.

"Do you have your shades or?" He just shakes his head no.

"I think I came here with them off so I guess we have to leave like this." He puts his arm out and I was confused.

"I don't have my stick either so I need you to lead me out and to your car kind sir." Oh yeah. I link my arm with his and we head out to sign the papers and leave.
Wowie. Thank you guys for reading this. It's my first fic I actually want to finish I've had like 2 others that I started and never finished because I couldn't think about how I wanted it to go but thanks really i appreciate. ,':)

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