Chapter 8

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I hate school
Barakat breath: yo dude.
Spooky Jim: ye
Barakat breath: you hit it yet.
Spooky Jim: what you mean
Barakat breath: you smash. You know insert your banana inside of Tyler.
Barakat breath: I'm kidding I swear
Spooky Jim: you better be kid.

Barakat breath: so did you.
Spooky Jim: BlOCkeD
Barakat breath: what no come back.
Alex the lion: yoyo hey
Spooky Jim: what
Alex the lion: so I have a question
Spooky Jim: ??? Yes ¿
Alex the lion: you smash yet.
Spooky Jim: ByE
Spooky Jim: why are you and jack even texting me at 5 am like go sleep.

Alex the lion: nah
Spooky Jim: fine

Well  guess I should start my day, or sleep in until like 4 but that doesn't seem probable.  Oh well I'm going back to sleep.

If you go to sleep you might not wake up.
Why can't you just let me sleep.
Because you need to learn.
What am I learning exactly.
That no matter how loud you scream or how hard you struggle no one will help because you don't matter.

That's when it started crashing down on me. No matter what people don't really care about me they just pity me because I'm blind.
Finally you get it. No one cares.
My mom does.
No Tyler she pity's you too. She only helps so you won't end up dying by falling down the stairs. Helping you just tires her out. Don't you think about anyone but yourself Tyler. She has to go through taking care of you while you're 21. She should be resting living her life happily but you have to be here. You have to bother her. You are the reason why she hurts all the time. YOURE the reason she can't be happy. You're holding her back you're holding everyone back from being happy just because you can't see. Just do us a favor and leave finally. Let me win. she will be happy after.

That's when it started happening, the room started to fill with water and I tried to escape but I couldn't move. Why can't I even move my body right. Things started touching me and I tried call out but no one answered. It's like I'm on my own fear trying to get rid of me. I can't do this by myself.

Someone help me.

I wake up hearing the sound of my phone going off. Who would call me at 10am

"Hello is this Josh?"

"Yeah that's me."

"Can you come down to the hospital please. Someone I guess you know keep having panic attacks and keep calling out your name. We don't know how to stop it but can you see when you can come down." I dart up and start getting my clothes on and I'm out the door on my way to see what is going on
"Uhm im here to see someone in room uhm 302?" I tell the man at the seat and he just looks at me and tells me to go up.

I knock on the door and I hear shouting and people trying to calm them down. Then the door opens.

"Your Josh?" I nod and the lady leads me into the room where I see Tyler and his family. Tyler was screaming and trying to get away from all the nurses trying to stable him, he also had scratches all over his arms. I walk through the nurses and sit next to Tyler and grab his hand.

"Tyler. Tyler you have to listen okay.? I'm here now it's okay they're just trying to help you." He hits me in the chest and after I grab his hand again.

"It's me Josh." He tenses up a bit but then relaxes while breathing really heavy.

"Okay Tyler I want you to plug your ears with your fingers okay. Then take deep breaths." Once he came over and he had a attack and to calm him I held him while he plugged his ears and tried to breath steadily. While he's like this I take the time to ask what happened.

"He had a very severe panic attack at 5:30am and started scratching himself throwing things. They brung him in after and he was like that the whole time well before you got here." What could've caused it though?

We wait a couple hours and a doctor came in and talked with us.

"He's okay we're just going to keep him in here for a few days to make sure he's well mentally stable. Also mrs. Joseph can I talk to you out in the hall way.?" She just nods and gets up following him out. I just grab Tyler's hand and start rubbing the back of it with my thumb. He fliches but relaxes after a couple seconds.

I heard screaming in the hallway and then Tyler's mom comes in looking very happy but the doctor I guess left.

"JOSH! HE SAID THAT TYLER MIGHT ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO SEE WITH A STEM CELL TRANSPLANT!!" She rushes over to me and hugs me. Wow Tyler being able to see for the first time. I wanna be there for that.

"He said sometime in a couple months they will be able to do it if I allow it and of course I allow it. My baby will finally see what he looks like, what I look like, the colors, the shapes and he will get to see you Josh". Yeah.. I'm not so excited for that. He'll think I'm ugly and weird looking and try to avoid me. I don't want to go through that but as long as he is happy I'm happy. I think.

He starts shuffling and waking up. He opens his eyes and they're grey and brown. Weird thing is that I've never seen Tyler without his shades on so this is. First for me.


"Yes I'm here. Guess what Tyler."

"What?" I start grinning like an idiot.

"You're going to be able to see for the first time." He looks shocked but smiles.
Jesus 1,029 words. I'm proud of myself. Also I wanna know how did you guys find my fic? And I'm going to go back and fix my errors so yay. -stay street

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