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Tyler and Josh have been married for 5 years total and they love it all. Even their kid loves the good times with them. Most of the time.

"Hey dad I got asked out today." Ruby told Josh and Josh just looks surprised.

"Have you told your father?" Tyler was in his room drawing again.

"That's what I'm doing right now aren't I?" Ruby has gotten the sass from Tyler but makes it funny from joshes share of parenting.

"Go get your father then he will decide on your fate young grasshopper." Josh and ruby both laugh as she leaves the room to get Tyler.  They still live in joshes house not wanting to leave anytime soon but Tyler's mom has left to live in Florida. She deserves the break.

"Hey hey dad number two. I know you're busy but dad and I need to talk to you." Tyler looks over to ruby standing at the door and follows her to Josh.

"So dads I've been asked if I wanted to see a movie by my crush and I need your approval. I'm guessing it's a yes because you love me." Ruby seems excited but her smile drops when Tyler says no.

"You're 13. I feel like that's a bit young for dating." Josh nods in agreement and ruby just frowns.

"But dads this is a once in a life time opportunity. I got to go." Ruby pleads her case until Josh finally speaks up.

"Fine but you have to be careful okay." She nods and squeals. She runs off to get ready as Tyler and Josh just watch as she basically jumps off every wall from excitement.

"What should I wear?! What even matches??"  Tyler and Josh could both hear from their room and laugh.

"Man are you sure we should let her go?" Tyler asks cautiously while using his finger to trace around joshes abs.

"Yes as long as she isn't wear something too revealing then I'm fine." They stay sitting there when the doorbell rings and they hear ruby accidentally say "oh shit!"

"Hey watch your mouth!" Tyler yells while opening the door to see a tall girl with short dyed hair and flowers in hand.

"Hi I'm um Becca and I w-was wondering if um Ruby was here?" Tyler smiles at the girl and welcomes her in the house while smiling at her parent who is waiting in the car.

"She will be right down. Want to hear some funny stories from a while back?" Tyler says and she laughs but agrees.

After about five minutes Josh and Ruby come down and ruby smiles at Becca .

"Ready?" Becca holds out her hand for ruby as they make their way to the exit.

"Bye dads I'll be back safe okay?" Ruby says when Josh holds Tyler's hand and sniffles.

"Bye ruby. Have fun." And that was it as they leave Tyler looks to Josh.

"We've only had her for 3 years yet she grew up so fast." Tyler says with a pout and Josh agrees.

"True but guess what."

"What.?" Josh smirks at Tyler and Tyler understands what he's thinking.

"Last one to the bedroom gets a blow job last." Tyler almost yells as he runs to the room.

"That's cheating!" Josh laughs and runs after him. Tyler says a quiet oh well and keeps running.

The few years have been the best.

(What even was this.)

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