Chapter 29: Together

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Okay, for once, Gaara's the one who's late. I did just as was told. I'm at the freaking tree, it was noon when I got here, but Gaara is still MIA. This is just fricked up. Well I might as well listen to my tunes while I wait. It's so sad, my Dad still thinks he has my i-Pod. So i'm getting away with listening to 'ignorent' music in his house. 'I know everything that gos on here' my ass!

So I hit shuffle on my i-Pod and listened. It was just a rave mix I had found on limewire. But I found myslef danceing to it out of pure bordum. But listening and danceing to the music didn't take my mind off of what the therapist had said. Someting in my past was holding me back. I know exactly what it is too. But I'm just not ready to face it.

Come on Steffie! It wasn't your fault! If anything it was her own for not paying more attention.

Gaara appered just then looking like some one had slapped him around alittle. I ran over to make sure he was alright.

"Gaara. What the hell happened to you? You look like hell." I said.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I helpped him sit against the tree and get comfortable.

"You don't look fine to me. What happened?" I pressed.

"Look, I tryed to kill Lee alright. But Naruto and that Shikamaru kid came and stopped me. And now Shukaku is being a bitch." He said.

That took me off a bit. "Why did you try to kill Lee?" Iasked.

"Because I didn't in the perliminary matches. I made me mad that he got away from the fight alive."

"But you don't gotta go killin the poor boy. Come on man. Lee's a good buddy of mine. His only gole in life is to get stronger and to prove that even without chakara he can be a great ninja."

"Isn't that sorta what you do?"

"Yeah. Thats why we're friends. We're working to prove the same thing... So far he's gotten closer to it than I have."

It was kinda quiet after that. We had to keep talk or else I knew I was going to start thinking about her again.

"So you wanted to talk to me." It wasn't a question.

"Yeah. I love you. And I want..."


"I want..." He was all twitchy. " Listen i've been talking to my brother way to much so just forget it."

Oh God. Never ever listen to Kankuro man. I don't even know the guy that well yet still I know that. I put my hands on either side of his head and made him look at me.

"Why do you listen to him? But still, tell me what you want."

His face was so pure red and I wanted to laugh so bad! But then he took a deep breath and leaned in slowly until his lips were sitting perfectly ontop of mine. The kiss was slow and unsure. But it picked up when I started kissing back. Everything began melting around me like an ice-cream cone some one had left outside during the summer. Unfortunatly it had to end. Damn it all.

"I want you. When the Chunnin exams are over, before I have to leave to go back to Suna, I want you Stephanie Alcot Gyno. You forever and for always." He whispered in my ear. "When you turn sixteen I want you to come to live with me in Suna and be mine forever."

Now it was my turn toturn red. "G-gaara, that's a good three years away. Are you sure you want to make that decision now?" Iasked.

"More sure than I ever have been about anything. We'll be adults then and can get married and have our own place. Everything can be just for us."

I had my hand over my mouth, tears of joy spilling down face. I nodded and snuggled into him happy and content. Boy I hope Dad hears nothing of this until i'm at least fifteen. He can't do shit about it then. But for right now, I thnk i'll live in the moment.

Love of my life ~Gaara~ Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now