Chapter 24: Dream

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"Okay, now the doctor asked me to come and explain the whole situation before we started the surgery. Now your bone was completly crushed. I wouldn't be surprised if they found dust when they open your arm up. But they are going to take as much of the bone as they can and fuse it with new stuff, completly fixing your bone and making it stronger in the prosses. It's a two for one deal. But there is an artery right here under your arm that is right in the area the doctors will be working to attach the new bone to the mucsele. Thats the only worry factor to this surgery. So, are you ready?" I didn't even have to think.

"Hell yeah. Drug me baby." I said. The nurse rolled her eyes and injected me with some anestetic.

"Count backwards from ten." She said.

"Ten, nine, eight, sev-" Conk and I was out. Thats the great thing about hospitals. If you've had a hard cople of days and you get hurt they give you this magical drug that makes you sleep happily for a few long awsome hours.

I had a dream while I was out. I dream that I have had several times before, only being able to fully remember it once though.

I'm standing on a beach with my feet half in the water. The sun is going down leaving the sky a beautiful orange and pink. Everything feels right and calm. It didn't even bother me that my blonde hair was pulled up with a long baby blue ribbon. Nothing was wrong. I turned away from the setting sun and packed up all of my things. The wind began to pick up and chill me. Strom clouds rolled in with thunder sounding.

"Shit." I said aloud. My motorcycle was a mile away up the shoar. What? It's my dream, I can have a motorcycle at thirteen. The wind picked up even more, pushing me to the sandy ground. I crawled over to a downed tree and currled up behind it. It seemed like that was doing a good job for awhile. But rain is a bitch. In the harsh down poor a figure came to me. A girl with the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair and shinning blue eyes stood above me, holding her hand out to me.

"Come on! You can't stay out here! It's dangerous!" She yelled above the wind. Some how I knew her. But I didn't know her name. Just when I was about to take her hand a different one grabbed mine and pulled me away. It was a deathly pale hand. And kinda slimmy. I couldn't see the owner of the hand. I reached out to the girl and called for her. She tryed and tryed to get to me. But the hand managed to pull me into the water. It pulled me deeper and deeper into the dark freezing water. It was up to my waist now, the rain warm compaired to the water. I couldn't see shoar anymore or the girl. But the hand continued to pull me deeper and deeper into the water. I was finding it very hard to keep my head above water. The air was thin and everything was starting to get fuzzy. My head went underwater.

Now I was falling, no, floating through the water to the bottom. I couldn't move. When I hit bottom I just layed there and waited to die. But I couldn't. No death came, yet no rescue came either. It was hell. I wanted to do something, anything. But there was just nothing. Nothing.

When I came to, there were two figures standing above me. My vision was still kinda fucked up from the drugs, so all I saw was a tuffet of red hair and blonde spikes.

"Sup guys?" I asked all slurry.

"Steffie!" One of them cried. Okay, so thats Naruto. I was glompped in a sort of way.

"Stephanie, I thought I told you this surgery was to risky. Why did you do it?" That's deffinatly Gaara.

I patted Naruto's back and he got off. "Because even my mom wanted me to get it so I could continue on being a great ninja. Some day i'm going to be a jonin and train young kids." That is my dream. To teach little kids how to kick ass.

"I don't understand you at all sometimes."

"That is a good thing. Now if you don't mind these drugs are making me loopy and kinda tired. So, I'm out. Peace." And I fell asleep again, unable to think clearly and unable to remember the dream I had had. God I love these drugs!

Love of my life ~Gaara~ Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now