Chapter Forty-Two

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(Song: Paradise - Coldplay)

Harry Styles

It had been exactly a week since the fight at Darren's place. It had been eerily quiet for me... I hadn't gotten texts. And nothing about it felt right to me. But I made a habit of stopping the thoughts once they started... I didn't dwell on it as much. I knew he wasn't gone... he was never gone.

I woke up that morning, the sun shining in the balcony doors. I rubbed my eyes and pushed my hair back before I noticed Louis' side empty... except there was a note there on his pillow, and a vase full of red roses sitting on the table next to the bed.

I sat up slowly, not being able to take my eyes away from these beautiful roses that he had apparently gotten me. I was blown away, honestly.

I slowly picked up the note to read it...

"This is day one of a new beginning. Let's make it count. Harold, up for it?

Hope you like the roses, love.
Louis xx "

I was grinning from ear to ear reading those words. He was absolutely incredible. He constantly surprised me with just how caring he was. He was more amazing every day, it felt like.

I picked up the roses, looking them over, a smile creeping over my face as I thought of Louis picking them out for me... he probably even asked Zayn or Niall's opinion on what to get me. Wonder if he knew how partial to roses I actually was?

For a week straight, he had been nothing short of supportive. I had never met anyone like him. He constantly went out of his way for me.

He had told me in bed one night how he had a dream where he was standing in what he thought was some posh home that was used for wedding ceremonies, and he was marrying me. He was waiting to marry me in the dream. I still hadn't stopped smiling about his dream; I wanted it to be reality one day. That's all I wanted really. A family. With him.

Louis had come such a long way with me. I never would've guessed to begin with that he hadn't had relationships. He seemed comfortable enough in himself when I first met him.

Truth was, I had been his first in a lot of areas. And I guess in a way, I could say he was mine.

No one could've prepared me for that day when I saw him in class. Of course, I didn't really know what I felt for him then. I knew I liked him... I liked his spirit and his smile. I fell in love with that smile actually. After the first day, it was like that smile, the one that would run to his eyes, was engraved in my mind forever.

Maybe that's why I tried to push him away, too, that night after the pub, when I thought he had left. I knew what I felt for him... I knew it was actually real and I had no way of really dealing with those feelings.

And he could've really left then. If he would've left, I don't think my future would've been different though... because if he would've left, I would've went after him, even then. He already meant too much to me.

I heard Niall's laughter coming from the sofa a few moments later as I got up slowly.

The day before, I had met who would be my therapist. Louis had gone with me and waited until our session ended 4 hours later. I knew he didn't have to sit and wait, but I understood that he wanted to. And it had meant so much to me to have him there. He knew how much staying by my side meant to me.

I started throwing clothes on while I thought back to how the first session had gone. It was mainly just me explaining things... it wasn't something that I had been prepared for. Louis knew it and surprised me when he had actually remembered my meds for me so I wouldn't go into panic mode before I could even talk.

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