My New Life Is Coming

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I don't know how long it's been, but I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow.

Or at least, I hope it is.

My new life is coming.

The burning went down.

That's good.

I noticed that the rain calmed down also.

Sometimes there would be thunder. But it's mostly raining.

The burning is now in my upper body.

Mostly in head...

Feels like my head is going to explode.

But I take my mind off of that by listening to my family.

It's mostly silence.

But I always hear Edward take a deep breath every ten minutes.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Edward took a deep breath... Again.

At least I know that ten minutes has passed.

"Edward, what time is it. I need to fix the clock," Esme said.

"4:40 AM."

Yes!!! I'm almost done with this painful transformation.

I heard the rain calm down a bit. But I was still in pain. The burning was still there.

"She'll wake up soon. Don't worry," Esme said.

"I can't help it..." Edward muttered.

I need to wake up. So that Edward can stop worrying so much.

At least it will be must easier to be around him. So that Edward doesn't feel like he is inhaling flames. He doesn't have to be careful when he hugs me. He won't have to be gentle when he kisses me.

I can be strong, fast, and beautiful. Just like my family.

I am glad that Edward found me.

If he didn't, then I wouldn't have found my soul mate.

I wouldn't have found my family.

Like Esme. I wouldn't have met her. Esme is my mother. My loving mother. Every time I hear her laugh, I look up and smile. If I need a girl talk, I turn to Esme first. If I was having a bad day, and Esme is the first one to notice, she takes me shopping to get my mind off. I have a great relationship with her. Always comfort me when Edward couldn't. Understands me when it's a girl problem. She had the most beautiful soul ever. Esme is very beautiful.

And she is married to my dad.


I might not see him that much everyday, but I still love him. He agreed to let me join the family. When Carlisle has free time and so do I, we always go either to the woods, park, or he just takes me to the mall. If I go to mall and dad tags along, I let him. Even if I'm buying underwear, which did happen one time, I don't argue. I know that he just wants to spend time with me. He doesn't want me to see me grow up too fast. He is a big part of me.

As for my siblings. Oh my...

Alice. The little annoying pixie. The girl who is obsess with fashion. But her fashion sense is starting to grow on me. Alice may be annoying as fuck, but she is my sister. She saw me coming. She saw Edward picking me up. She saw me become part of the Cullen family. Alice listens to me. If I'm going to make a decision, Alice will see it coming and tell me if its right or wrong. Sometimes, when I'm just acting stupid, she joins in and act stupid with me. Alice and I have a strong sister bond that no one can break.

Emmett... An annoying brother. He always makes me laugh. Even if he embarrasses me, I still laugh. I learned my toughness from him. He taught me how to scare off people. Taught me how to fight. And he made my sweet mind turn negative... But at least I now understand all the dirty jokes he says. Even though Emmett can be annoying, but he can be serious. He can be overprotective. When I was little, Emmett would keep close watch on me. Afraid that I fall. He told me that he can be funny and immature, but inside, he is very protective with me because I'm his favorite sister. I'm his baby sister.

Rosalie the beautiful. I am jealous of her. I told her that she is more beautiful than me. But she said no. That surprised me and the whole family. I always hear Rosalie say that she is more beautiful than every single girl on earth. But when I comes to me, that is a different story. She told me that she was jealous of me. When she goes to school, every single guy looks at her. But when she went to school with me, she got angry because every single guy looks at me instead of her. I couldn't help but laugh. But behind all that beauty, is a kind heart. It took a while for Rosalie to warm up to my friends. But she is really nice. Always sweet to me. Protective also. But is basically always on my side. Rosalie was my second mother. She told me that she always wanted a child. And after I came along, she finally experienced on how to be a mother. That was her main goal when she was human. To be a mother. And now she completed it. When Esme was busy, I turn towards my second mother.

Jasper. The calm one. He is an awesome big brother. He teases me and makes me laugh. He is really fun to hang out with. He would always play hide-and-seek with me. No matter what age I am. Of course, he would win. But he told me that he when he is with me, and I act childish, he feels like a little kid again. That I bring out that little kid in him. Though he can be protective over me. When I feel sad, angry, or worry, Jasper always asks me what happened that made me feel this way. He listens to my problems and tells me great advice on how to fix it. Jasper is more like a little brother who gives out great advice.

Edward... So many words to describe him. But here are the main things. Beautiful, awesome, amazing, show off, funny, childish, stubborn, and overprotective. He is very overprotective. He doesn't want me climbing trees without someone watching me. He watches me put on my helmet when I'm about to leave on the motorcycle. Watches my every step. Edward is very stubborn. He doesn't want me to become one of him. But I won the argument. But he had to say that if I want be changed, that I have to marry him first. Him and his stubbornness is a real pain in the ass. But Edward can be childish. When I'm just bored, he would act like a child to make me laugh or smile. Emmett got angry because that was his job. But when Emmett isn't there, Edward acts like a child. And it's funny. Edward always makes me laugh. Even if I'm in a shitty mood, he makes me at least smile. And sometimes, Edward will show off. Running in lightning speed. Knocking down trees. Jumping from tree to tree. Show off. But it is amazing. And awesome! It is always fun to watch Edward be a vampire. When I'm on his back and he is running in the forest. The exhilaration is amazing. It's awesome to watch Edward race Rosalie on the road to see which car is faster. Of course, Edward wins. Like I said. Show off. But he is beautiful. His soul is the most beautiful thing I ever seen. Edward says that he has no soul. But I argued with him. I told him that if he didn't have a soul, then he would have left me there. In the forest. Under the bush. Alone. He wouldn't have saved me. He wouldn't have recused me from James. He wouldn't be overprotective over me. He wouldn't have fallen in love with me. That last part shut him up. I don't care if he says that he has no soul. But I see one. And it's beautiful. Edward is may be dangerous. But I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

I noticed that all the burning started to head towards my heart.

I heard my heart still beating normally.

Until the burning took over it.

My heart started beating like wild. I was afraid that it was going to come out of my body. The beating was going faster and faster to the point that it is painful. Is my heart going to explode!?

I wanted to scream. I want Edward to tell me that it will be all over. That everything is going to be okay. I want to feel his arms around. To feel his love.

Damn! Why is my heart beating like this?!

If I could cry right now, I would be swimming in a river. Fuck, I might flood Forks.

My heart is possibly going to exploded. I want this to stop.

This pain in unbearable. It's just that horrible.

I want scream but I can't move my lips.

Then my heart just reached to the point where it is 1000 beats per second.

It's so painful.

More painful than the venom spreading across my entire body.

More painful than the burning.

My heart is possibly on fire right now. My heart is beating uncontrollably.

Then I felt the most excruciating pain ever. Feels like someone is stabbing me in the heart a thousand time.

Please stop!!!

So painful.

Then it stopped.

My heart stopped.

It stopped beating.

I feel no more pain.

No burning.

No pain.

It's done.

The transformation is over.

It's done.

My new life is here.

Then I realized that I can open my eyes.


I was holding Bella's hand.

It was still raining outside.

I checked my watch.

10:30 AM.

I focused on Bella's heart.

It was beating normally.

Until it sped up.

Everyone heard that and came in the room.

It's almost time.

Her heart rate is starting to race.

Then it got dark.

Dark clouds took over the sky.

Lightning bolts kept hitting trees and bushes.

Thunder shook the house violently.

The rain was pounding on the rooftop.

The wind was howling.

Bella's heart beat is now beating uncontrollably.

Sounds like it was trying to come out of her chest.

Lightning bolts kept hitting the ground.

Mostly around our house.

Her heart is beating like wild.

Then countless of lightning bolts hit the ground. Surrounding the house. Thunder kept shaking the house. The rain was trying to break the roof. The wind was trying to break down the house.

Bella's heart just reached to the point where it is beating 2000 beats per second.

Then it stopped.

Her heart stopped.

So did the storm.

The sun came out.

It was quiet.

The transformation is over.

Bella has now entered this life.

Her new life.

I looked at Bella's eyes.

They were still shut.

I squeezed her hand slightly.

I held my breath.

Then it happened.

My Beautiful Bella,

Just opened her eyes.

End of Book 1.

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