Bye Tyler

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Edward carried me back to the house. He was carrying me in bridal style. I took a deep breath. Inhaling his honey scent. A smile was forming. I snuggled closer to him. I'm glad that Edward came back.

We entered in the living room. Edward set me down on the couch and sat next to me.

"Okay. Talk now. Please," Rosalie said.

"Tyler is leaving."

"What do you mean he is leaving," Jasper said.

"His parents don't like me. And they want him to break up with me and date Ashley. Or go live in Florida with his real dad. So... He is leaving next week..."

Alice came to my other side and hugged me tightly. I fought back the tears.

"Bella I'm so sorry," Mom said.

"Tyler is still trying to convince his parents to let him stay, but his parents are hard to convince."

My phone went off. I picked it up and answered it.


"Bella! You need to come here. I need your help!"

"Tyler, if I come over there, your parents isn't going to like it."

"I don't care about them. Just please. Come over."

"I don't know...... Tyler?"

I heard silence on the other line.

"They're bringing Ashley over."

Anger flooded me.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Hurry please."

Then I hung up.

Edward tossed me a set of keys.


"You already have your motorcycle license right?"

My jaw dropped. I hugged Edward tightly. He kissed my forehead.

"Alright. C'mon," Edward said. He picked me up carried me to the garage.

And there it was.

A black and blue Kawasaki Ninja.

"I am so glad that dad let me get my motorcycle license."

Edward chuckled, "Alright. You need to get to Tyler's place. So here is your helmet, jacket, and your purse."

I put the purse on first. Then the jacket. And finally, the helmet.

I got on my motorcycle and started it. Edward opened the garage door and I got out.

Good thing it wasn't raining.

The motorcycle is much faster and I did get there in 10 minutes.

I got off and headed towards the door. I took off my helmet and knocked.

Ashley answered.

"Oh sorry. Tyler is breaking up with you and dating me. Bye bitch!"

Then she slammed the door in my face.

I heard Tyler inside yelling.

"Ashley, get out of my way!"

Then I heard something break. Possibly a vase..

Tyler opened the door. I saw fury in his eyes.

"Do you need help to calm down?"

He nodded.

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