My Smart Four Year Old

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Four years. Four years since I found my beautiful Bella under that bush. Four years since she joined our family. And four years since I found my soul mate. But only Alice knows that. I haven't told anyone yet. Until the time comes, I'll tell them.

I watched Bella grow. The family taught her many things before she even entered preschool. Esme and I taught her manners and how to read and talk a little. But when Bella was just one month old, she said my name. It made me want to jump for joy. Later that same day, she said Alice next, then Mommy to Esme, Daddy to Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, and finally Rosalie. And she had no trouble saying their names. Her voice was like music to my ears. I was glad that I have Bella in my arms. After Bella started saying our names, I then started reading to her. Esme started teaching her how to say thank you and please. Again, no trouble at all. Carlisle kept track of her progress. The whole family was amazed by her progress. She started walking when she was 8 months. I was so proud of her.

~Flashback Starts~

I was in the corner with Bella, playing with her and her stuffed animals. She left her favorite teddy bear, that I gave to her on her first birthday, was near the dresser that was across the room. Of course, she crawled over there. Esme came in with fresh clothes from the dryer and saw Bella crawl.


The whole family came in and said "aw".

"Dang Bella. You learning fast." Emmett said surprisingly.

Bella then grabbed on the dresser and stood up. I then stood up and walked over there but stopped a few feet away from her and got down to her level. Alice started recording the whole thing.

Then next thing I knew, Bella turned around, facing towards me, and took her first steps. A huge smile was forming. The whole family held the breath. I opened my arms so Bella can come into my arms. Then Bella walked into my arms. I was so proud of her. I hugged her and lifted her up.

Everyone clapped for her, Bella started blushing. It was so cute to see her blush.

Its was good thing that Alice recorded it.

Everyone started congratulating her. Of course, Bella said thank you to every complement. I was just happy that Bella took her first steps and I was there to watch.

~Flashback Ends~

I smiled at that memory. Bella started reading after that. Me, Alice, and Esme taught her that. Emmett and Rosalie taught her how to grasp onto bigger and a little heavier objects. Esme and Jasper taught her some more manners. Carlisle taught her how to talk more and is teaching her how to write. By age four, she had the mind of a 3rd grader. We also been using this website called It improved her skills. We were all proud of her.

Right now, I'm helping Bella with her cursive writing since she begged me to teach her.

"And that's how you right a G is cursive," I said, finishing the capital G.

Bella nodded and started making the G. Her handwriting is getting better.

"Good job Bella. Okay, now you right these words in cursive, okay?"

"Okay!" Bella then started writing the words. She is always eager to learn new things. And also get things by using her begging face.

I laughed when I saw Bella using her begging face, which Alice taught her, to get a cookie that Emmett was about to eat. She also used it on me to help climb trees, I gave in. But I only helped her climb these baby trees that I found near the garden. I stayed with her the entire time. I did not want anything bad to happen to her. Esme was scared because she doesn't want to see her fall and possibly land on her head. I growled.

My Beautiful BellaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum