My Graduation

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I walked downstairs, wearing my baby blue dress. My hair was curled. And I had light blue eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss.

Tonight is my graduation.

"Ready to graduate Bella," Edward asked.

"Yep! I'm ready!"

I was in a really good mood. So it is a clear night tonight.

"Yep, after that, there is the graduation party at the end," Emmett said,"You get to experience the craziest party ever."

I rolled my eyes.

"Damn Bella. You really don't have to pay for college. The school basically paid for it," Jasper said while looking at my rewards.

Since I am in choir, band, and captain of the cheerleading squad, there was a lot if rewards.

"Alright! Lets go," mom said.

The Smiths and the Denelis agreed to come to my graduation.

Me and Edward took my Camaro. Alice and Jasper took Alice's yellow Porsche. Rosalie and Emmett took his jeep. Mom and Dad took her SUV. The Denelis took Edward's Volvo. Michael and Crystal took my truck. Diamond, Rose, Mike, and Drake took my Mustang.

We arrived at the auditorium at 6:30. We had 30 minutes until it starts.

I put on my graduation gown and my cap.

Mom and dad took pictures of us and my friends.

Then it started.

I am walking to my seat in line. I was next to Autumn and Jo.

"Can you believe it Bella! We are graduating," Jo whispered.

"I know! I am so excited," I whispered back. We got in our seats and we listened to the principal. Well, sorta. Me, Autumn, and Jo were holding hands and jumping up and down in our seats a little.

Then it was time to get our diplomas.

I waited and waited. I watched my family get theirs. And my friends.

Autumn was next and when the principal said her name, everyone clapped and Autumn went up to get her diploma.

I was next!

"Isabella Swan."

Everyone clapped and I heard my family cheer. I blushed. I got up on stage, received my diploma, shook hands with the principal, and went back to my seat.

Jo got hers and I heard a lot of cheers. I laughed a little. The rest of the students got theirs and then they played the school's song.

I started crying. I was ready to throw my cap in the air. I looked to my left and Autumn was crying also. Jo was too.

The song ended and we threw out caps in the air. I caught mine and I hugged Jo tightly. There was a lot of tears and cheers.

"Oh my gosh!!! We graduated!!!" Jo yelled.

The rest of the group came and we had a huge group hug.

Then we put our fist in the middle.

"THE GIFTED KIDS!!" We yelled. I saw the boys even started crying.

"Peeta, you were my first best friend ever since preschool. Thank you for being there," I said. Peeta smiled and hugged me. I let go and I felt cold arms wrap around me.

"Enjoying your graduation day so far?"

"Yep! I can't wait for the party," I said. I turned around to give Edward a kiss.

The kiss stopped after I heard someone take a picture.

"Hi mom," I said while blushing.

Mom grinned at me and gave me a hug. Then Emmett decided to spin me around a bit.

"Emmett! Put her down," Rosalie yelled. I was put down but I was really dizzy. Edward smacked Emmett upside the head and kept his arm around my waist. Mom came to hug Emmett,"Please don't pick me up." Emmett nodded and hugged her. But he ignored her and pick her up about two feet off the ground. Mom glared at him. It was so sweet to see that.

"C'mon! I need help putting the last touches on the party," Peeta said.

The party is held at his place. He won the argument against Alice. His house is bigger than ours.

"Alright. Just a few more pictures," mom said.

After the pictures, we said goodbye to our family and we went to Peeta's place.

The group and my siblings are the first ones here.

"Bella! Help me," Kenny yelled. I saw him on the stage. I ran over there and helped him out.

"Okay, since you are going to sing a few songs tonight, I need to make sure that the microphones are okay!"

We tested out each and every one of them. I also helped pick out the best songs.

"Okay! Everyone is starting to get here," Alice yelled.

"Alright! The food and drinks are ready. The music is awesome. Lights?"

Jo turned down the lights and now the dance floor is lit up.

"Awesome!" Peeta yelled.

Then everyone arrived.

I danced for a while with my family and the group. Until Peeta told me to get on stage and sing.

He gave me an introduction and everyone cheered for me.

I ended up singing People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson, Here's To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne, Can't Hold Us by Macklemore. Kenny did most of the rapping. Crazy Kids by Ke$ha. And Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson.

Then at around midnight, we all made a toast. We drank champagne and we danced all night.

Then we decided to go home at around 2. But I fell asleep on the way.

But tomorrow is the hike... Fear is starting to take over me...

Sorry for a boring chapter. But I decided to let you know what happened on Bella's graduation. But the the next chapter will be about the hike. The fight is gonna start. And book 1 is coming to an end. And I need a suggestion on the next book title. Please help me! :)

There is a picture if Bella's dress also!

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