My Bella

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I ran over to her. She is losing too much blood.

Michael tried to come over to me, but he ended up flying backwards.

That's right! Every time Bella cuts herself and starts to bleed, her shield protects her.

"Don't bother. Her physical shield prevents anyone getting close to her. But it doesn't work the same for me."

"But if none of us can come close to her, then how can we save her," Kate asked.

She has point. Unless...

Then my family came.

Esme screamed because she saw Bella. Emmett tried to come close, but ended up flying backwards.

"Her shield. We can't get through," Carlisle said.

I heard Bella's heartbeat slow down.


Unless... Unless...

I looked at Alice.

She nodded,"Do it Edward."

I bit Bella 5 times. On her neck, both her wrists, and both her thighs.

I couldn't lose Bella.

"Lets get her back to the house," Carlisle said.

I picked Bella up and then I heard thunder rumbling...

"Either it was supposed to rain today or when Bella is in pain, she makes it rain also," Emmett said.

Then lightning flashed.

"Lets go," Jasper said.

We ran back to the house and I laid Bella down in the room.

"Okay, you get changed. Me, Rose, and Esme will clean Bella up," Alice said.

I didn't want to leave, but I had to.

I guess the shield must have went away now.

I left to go change and waited for them to come out.

I started pacing back and forth.

"Relax son. Bella will be alright," Carlisle said.

I said goodbye to the Smiths and Denelis.

The girls came out and I ran in there. I took Bella's hand.

The sky darken and it started to rain. Thunder shook the house. Lightning flickered the lights.

Bella is in great pain. And I should know.

I know she is going to be fine. But I'm sad because I failed.

I promised that I will protect her. That nobody was going to hurt her.

But stupid Tanya had to throw Bella to the wall. I'm so glad that I ended Tanya's life.

Now Bella is going to enter this horrible life. I wish that she can stay human.

But what choice do I have?!

I couldn't live without Bella.

If she goes, I go.

I will always be by her side. Unless she pushes me away.

Bella will always be mine. No matter what.

If Bella pushes me out of her life and falls in love with someone else, I will always call Bella mine.

She is my soul mate.

I waited a century for her.

I found her under that bush. No one else found her. I did. I was there when she said my name. When she first started walking. When she started writing.

When Bella had a nightmare, I was there to comfort her. When she cried, she came to me. If she had a problem, she would tell me and I would listen to her. I would help her if she needs it.

She was mine.

I listened to her heart beat. It was normal for now.

"She will wake up in 2 days," Alice said.

I stroked Bella's cheek.

She looks so peaceful. But inside, she is in great pain.

Rain still kept pouring down. I wouldn't be surprised if it started to flood.

Sometime at around 1 AM, the power went out.

The only light was the lighting and the candles Esme lit up.

Thunder kept rumbling and shook the house.

I saw Bella's features improve.

Her face is now flawless. Her eyelashes are long and thick. Her lips are a candy red color and they look soft. Her skin color is now turning pale. Her Carmel brown hair is longer and shinier. It is now down to her hips.

And her body... Wow.

She is in great shape. She seems skinnier. Her skin is now becoming soft and at the same time cold and hard. Her hips are now rounder. I also noticed that her chest grew a bit...

Yes, I noticed her chest.

Don't judge me.

She is becoming even more beautiful. Possibly even more beautiful that I need a need word to describe her.

Bella is becoming more beautiful. I am now jealous! - Rosalie thought.

I smirked. Rosalie did say, or thought, that Bella is going to be beautiful when she first held her.

Time is going slow. I looked at my watch.

9:30 AM.

Time is killing me.

I want to see Bella open her eyes. I want to be the first one to see her new eyes. I want to be the first thing she hears. I want to take her out to hunt. I want to see her kill a mountain lion.

My little monster.

I couldn't help but smile at that thought.

She may be a little monster, but I see a sweet little girl in her eyes.

Her eyes.

I can't wait to see her beautiful eyes open.

But I have to wait.

I checked my watch.

9:40 AM.

Are you fucking serious?

It's been ten minutes.

This is going to be a long day...

Hoped you like! :)

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