It's Time

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I woke up and saw Edward sitting on my bed. He was leaning against the headboard with his arms crossed.

I smiled," Good morning."

He looked at me and smiled," Good morning. Are you warm?"

I nodded.

"Thanks Rose."


"Your welcome Edward!"

I screamed and sat up," Shit! Don't scare me like that Rose!! Damn!"

Rose was laughing her ass off.

"Why are you here?"

"Last night, it started snowing. Edward noticed that you started shivering. The heater wasn't helping much. So he called me up here. I can use my fire ability to create body heat. So that's why you are warm."

"So you are my own personal heater?"

"I guess you can call me that. But boy can you sleep talk!"

I blushed.

"Aw! She is blushing! Anyway, why are you scared. Your eyes are blue?"

I looked in the mirror. The reason why is because today is the hike. Which means tomorrow is the fight...

"If you are scared about Victoria, you need to stop. We got this."

"I'm not scared about that. I know you can end Victoria's life. I'm scared because I know Tanya will be near. So I won't be able to protect you guys."

"Or protect yourself," Edward said,"you seriously need to worry about yourself Bella."

"He is right."

"Alright! Enough chitchat! We need to get going!!!" Alice yelled while coming in the room.

I got out of my bed and went into the bathroom. Alice put some clothes in here and left.

I put it on. Light blue jeans, a red tank top, black sweater, a black leather jacket, black converses, and a few jewelry. Though I don't understand why I would wear jewelry right now. My hair was straighten and no makeup but lip gloss.

I came out and headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Mom made me eggs and toast. I ate them and after I finished, I brushed my teeth.

Then me, Michael, Kate, and Edward got in Emmett's jeep. The rest of the family are already heading towards the mountains.

We stopped at a store and Edward got some camping gear. Edward chuckled when I made a face when he picked up dehydrated food.

Then we got going. After an hour, we went on foot. Michael has a gift. He can hide my scent. Pretty useful.

But first I had to make a track that can lead to my family. So the newborns can be lead towards them. So the fight can start.

But I'm am scared. And I can't keep it to myself. It was snowing and my eyes are blue.

"Alright. Kate, meet me at the campsite. Michael meet us at the field," Edward said.

They nodded and left.

"Alright. Lets go to the field."

"Um... Which way?"

He pointed and I walked. I kept touching rocks, trees, leaves, anything that can make the newborns follow me. Every now and then, I would leave a hair here and there. But then I cut myself on a rock.

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