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I slipped into darkness and then I felt burning in my neck, wrists, and thighs.

What the hell?!! Why am I burning?!!!!

I so badly want to scream. But I couldn't open my mouth. In fact, I couldn't move at all.

The burning spread all over my body.

I wish Edward was here.


I want to see Edward's face. Feel his arms around me. Hear him telling me that everything will be alright.

I want to cry.

I miss Edward so much.

The burning is getting stronger! Feels like my body is on fire.

I want to ask Edward want is happening to me. I want him to take the pain away.

But this burning seems familiar somehow...

Then it hit.


I'm changing. I'm turning into a vampire.

I recognized the burning. The same burning when James bit me.

Only more painful.

Why does the transformation have to be so painful?!

I still want Edward to tell me that everything will be alright. That it will be all over soon...

Ah! The burning is killing me!!!

The burning is now 10x times stronger.

But the most burning is in my throat. Feels like I'm on fire. I guess that's how Edward felt when he was around me.

I was his singer. That my blood was calling for him.


Now I am scared.

What if I hurt someone by accident? I don't want to end up killing someone by mistake. I would never forgive myself. I could lose control and attack.

But Edward told me that he will try to prevent that from happening.

He was going to teach me how to hunt. Try to blend in with humans. And also help me with my gifts.

Oh how I want to feel Edward's arms around me!

The burning barley went down, but I heard something.

It was hard to listen because it was just a bunch of mutters. But after a while, it became clear.

"Please Bella. Wake up."


His voice sounds so clear. So beautiful.

"It will be fine Edward. She will wake up. The venom is spreading. But I'm not sure if she can hear us."


"Bella if you can hear, please give me a sign. Smile, squeeze my hand, open your eyes. Just let me know..."

I so badly want to open my eyes, tell Edward that I'm fine, want to be in his arms, and kiss him.

The burning increases and sometimes decreases.

I decided to listen to the others.

I heard the tv.

I think there is a football game going on.

Oh cool! Someone made a touchdown!

Then I listened to the sounds of the forest.

All I heard was water running.

I also heard... Rapping?

I heard cars.

I can hear all the way to the hallway!

Then I heard a crash of thunder.

That scared the shit out of me!

The burning got worse.

I wanted to scream. But I then heard another crash of thunder.

That's right. Somehow, my feelings expresses its by weather.

And since I am in great pain, it is raining outside.

"What time is it?"


"7:35 PM."

"Bella will wake up tomorrow. But I'm not sure what time."


Finally! This will end soon!

But I still feel burning.

So much burning!

I really want to scream.

But I took my mind off by listening to my surroundings.

I don't know how long it's been, but I hope it's time.



"It's 8:30 PM Esme."

It's only 8:30!

Time is killing me!

Great now anger and pain is taking over me.

The thunder got louder.

"Well, the power went out. Again."


I heard thunder crashing. I wonder what it looks like?

Possibly lightning flashing everywhere. Lightning bolts hitting trees. Super dark outside. Rain pouring down.

That actually sounds awesome.

Then I heard a clap of thunder.

I heard Rosalie and Alice scream.

What just happened?

"That tree almost fell on the house!"


"That was big tree," Emmett said.

I so badly want to see outside!

Hoped you like it! :)

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