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It was time to see my baby girl. Right now, I'm in her rocking chair. Watching her sleep. I just came back from hunting. It is now 5:30 AM. Today is Bella's first day of preschool. I remember watching her jump up and down with excitement. She was so eager to go to school. Bella already set her alarm to 6:00. Right now, she is smiling in her sleep. Cute. But the family had to tell her not to show off. Carlisle told me that her IQ increased. Now she has the mind of a 6th grader. And she will possibly have the mind of 10th grade by age 8. Impressive. She is working on Algebra with me, Alice, and Emmett teaching her. She loves math. She knows 7 languages right now, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese', Russian, and Egyptian! She can also write words in those languages. Bella is able to add, subtract, multiple, and divide in her head. Starting by little problems like 2+2 all the way to bigger problems like 44x88-67+90. She can figure out the answer in less than 1 minute. That is how amazing she is. Language was easy to teach to her. She knows her nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and so much more. Science is a little tricky to her. But she catches on real quick. Not to mention her passion for music. She absolutely loves music. She plays the piano, guitar, drums, harp, violin, flute, and clarinet. Her favorite singer is Kelly Clarkson, her favorite band is Skillet, and her favorite song is Stronger by Kelly Clarkson. She also knows her fashion sense. And she actually completed her goal. To dress herself. Alice never saw it coming. Coming from a girl who can see the future. But Alice was also proud of her for coming out in something that they both like. Bella was wearing black skinny jeans that has a blue flame design on it, a black shirt with white sleeves and also has a blue flame design, black converses, and her hat that also has a blue flame design on it. She was into flame designs. And her hair was straighten, thanks to Rose. Alice was pissed off but got over it.

I chuckled at that memory. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah!

Bella knows her fashion sense. She also knows cars. Rosalie taught her that. That surprised me that Bella was also into speed. Her favorite car right now is the Camaro. Bella knows how to cook. She also knows a lot of medical things. At least now Carlisle has someone to talk to over about his job. The whole family was surprised to see Bella and Carlisle talking over a medicine. And she knows her way into the forest. But I always stay by her side every time she is outside. I even showed her to our meadow. All we just did was took a walk, but I didn't even realize that we were heading towards the meadow. Luckily it wasn't sunny. But we both made it. The first time she saw it, she loved it automatically. Now she wants to visit the meadow basically everyday. But I had to say no, we were lucky that we didn't bump into any mountain lions or bears. She doesn't need to know about us yet.

Bella also knows her animals. Her favorite animals is a bear and a mountain lion.

5:59 AM.

It's almost time.



I heard beeping noise. My alarm. I quickly turned it off because it was getting on my nerves already. I sat up, knowing that it is time for school. School. I'm so excited! I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I saw Edward and smiled. He was sitting in my rocking chair.

"Good morning Sweetheart," Mommy said while entering in my room.

"Good morning!"

"Hey little sis!" Alice skipped in her. "Ready for your first day of preschool?"

I nodded and got out of my comfy bed. Alice walked over to my closet and pulled out an outfit for me. I still remember when I finally dressed myself. I completed my main goal in life.

"Here you go!" Alice handed me the clothes.

"We will be downstairs Bella," Edward said while walking out the door with Mommy.

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