Good And Bad Endings

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I burst through the door and growled.

James was biting Bella's hand.


I used my vampire speed and got him off of her. I threw him across the room and he hit the wall. Leaving a few cracks.

"Edward! Get over here," Carlisle yelled.

I turned around and saw Alice, Esme, and Carlisle over at Bella.

Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper went to go rip James to shreds. As much as I wanted to tear him up and burn the pieces, Bella needs me.

I ran over there and held my breath.

"She is bleeding too much. She has a broken leg and a few crack rips."

"Carlisle! Her hand," Alice yelled. Esme screamed.

"He bit her," Carlisle said.

You have to suck the venom out of her Edward!!!! - Alice thought.

"What?! No. I can't Alice!"

"Edward, you have to save Bella," Carlisle said.

"Bella, if you can hear me, it's going to be all alright," Esme said, she was holding her other hand.

"Edward! Now!!!" Alice yelled.

Can I do it? Was I able to?

"Eddie! Saw my baby sister," Emmett growled.

Dude, you have to save her. She is not ready to enter this world. - Jasper thought.

I had no other choice.

I grabbed her hand and put my lips on the bite mark.

I began to suck the venom out. But I tasted her blood also.

It's so much sweeter than I imagined.

I couldn't control myself. Her blood tastes so good.

"Okay. Stop. Before you drain her," Carlisle said.

I tried. But I can't. Her blood taste so sweet.

"Edward. Stop. Please," Esme said.

I can't! But I need to stop.

"Edward. Her blood is clean," Alice said.

I felt Bella's hand twitch. That stopped me. I stopped sucking her blood.

"It's clean now..." I whispered.

"We need to get her to a hospital now," Carlisle said.

I picked Bella up and started walking out the door. The rest followed me.

I got in the backseat of the car. Carlisle was driving. Esme is in shotgun. Alice is by my side. Rose, Emmett, and Jasper took the truck.

I kept stroking Bella's cheek.

I failed. I broke my promise. I promised Bella to keep her safe. But I failed.

I noticed Alice grabbed the video camera that James had. She rewind the video and played it.

We listened to it and then James explained Alice's past.

So that's what happened. She has been blind during her human years. Interesting.

I heard Bella's heart rate slow down a bit.

"Carlisle," I warned him.

"We're almost there... Hang in there Bella..."


I kept hearing this beeping noise. And it was getting on my damn nerves!!!

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a bright room. And I didn't feel comfortable.


The beeping noise quickened.

I heard a chuckle and turned my head towards his voice.

I smiled when I saw Edward.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey love. How you feeling?"

"Just sore... How bad am I?"

"A broken leg and 4 cracked ribs..."

I saw pain in his eyes.

"I felt burning... In my hand though..."

His eyes widen. I looked down and noticed there was a bandage on my hand.

"Why did I feel burning?"

He took a deep breath,"James bit you. His venom was in your bloodstream. But I suck the venom out before it was too late."

I kept staring at my hand. He sucked the venom out of me. Why? I could be immortal and I can stay with Edward forever.

"Why didn't you let the venom spread?"

I looked up and saw his eyes darken.

"I didn't want the venom to spread."

"Don't you want me to stay with you forever?"

"Of course I do love."

"Then why didn't you let the venom spread?"

I felt a tear run down my cheek.

He wiped it away with his thumb.

"I didn't want you to become a soulless monster."

"A soulless monster? Is that how you see yourself?"

"I have no soul Bella. I don't want you to enter this life. In fact, I want you to live a human life. To grow up and get married. Have a human husband and have kids. That's what I want."

Tears kept falling down. He wants me to stay in this human life.

I looked away. I could feel my heart breaking into pieces.

"Bella look at me."

I didn't listen. He put his index finger under my chin and made me look at him.

"Please don't cry."

I cried harder.

"Bella, I love you. But you deserve someone better than me."

"What?! No! No one is better than you. You deserve someone better than me. I'm just a human. I'm nothing."

Then Edward growled. He crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me harshly. I tried to follow his pace but I failed. The beeping noise went wild.

He pulled back and saw his eyes got darker.

"Don't you ever say that again. You are everything Bella. Now can we please discuss this later."

I knew he wanted to drop the conversation. But I still had a few more questions.

"How did you find me?"

"Alice. She saw you leaving the airport and also saw the ballet studio. So the family drove there."

"And what happened to James?"

"He is just a pile of ashes now."


"She escaped. But Alice is watching her decisions."

"Was it hard?"

He looked at me confusingly.

"I meant, was it hard to suck the venom out of me."

He froze.

"Yes. I thought I couldn't stop."

"But you did."

"I know. But it took a lot of effort to stop."

"Did I taste good?"

"Yes. Your blood was so much sweeter than I imagined."

"You imagined it?"

"... Remember when I left for one week?"

I shuddered at that thought. I nodded.

"It turns out that you are my singer."

I froze. I read about that in Carlisle's books. I'm his singer? That's why he left. He didn't want to hurt me.



"Are you afraid?"

"No," I was surprised on how calm my voice sounded" why? Should I be afraid?"


"Well, I'm not. You always protect me. So why should I be afraid."

"I don't know. But I'm actually glad that your not afraid. The family's braveness is starting to rub on you."

I smiled,"Yep. I learned from the best. Anyway, so you enjoy my blood."

"Yeah. But you started to lose too much blood. So you had to get a blood transplant. I didn't like it. You smelled different for a while."

"Was that good for you?"

"No! I like the way you smell."

I giggled.

"The family is coming."

And then mom came in.

"Oh my gosh! You finally woke up Bella!"

"I'm fine mom. But sore."

"Just sore," Rosalie said," You have a broken leg girl."

"Don't remind me."

"Shaking my head," Emmett said.

"Hey little sis," Alice said.

Then I remembered.

"Did you-"

"I saw the video Bella. Now I know why I can't remember my past."

Then the nurse came in.

"Oh sorry to disturb you."

"It's fine," Carlisle said,"Is it time for her medicine."

The nurse nodded.

I grabbed Edward's hand. He squeezed my hand slightly.

"I hate shots," I muttered.

I always hated them.

The nurse came to my side and gave me the shot.

"You will feel drowsy in a minute. But the pain will go away."

"Ok. Thank you."

She smiled and left.

She was right. I did feel sleepy now. What is in that stuff?

"Go to sleep Bella. I'll be here," Edward said.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"And you are ready," Alice said.


Alice was doing my makeup.

"Do I really need to go?"

"Of course. Prom only happens once, maybe twice, in a lifetime. Unless you are a really hot 10th grader."

"Which did happen. A senior did ask you to prom last year. But you rejected him," Rosalie said.

Then I saw her dress. It was a lime green dress. It reached all the down to her ankles. It had a v-neck line and spaghetti straps. There was also jewels on the top. Matching high heels. Her hair was curled and was put to the side. Her eye shadow was a dark green, mascara, a little blush, and pink lipstick.

Alice was wearing a long pink dress. It was strapless, showing a little cleavage. There was ruffles at the bottom. Matching high heels, pink eye shadow, mascara, pink lipstick.

My dress was a baby blue dress. It was silky and reached to my ankles. It was strapless and showed a little cleavage. My back was also showing. There was a few jewels also. I wore matching flats. I had to use my puppy dog face to convince Alice. I had blue eye shadow, mascara, and light pink lipstick. My was straighten and and had a little tiara on top. Alice wanted me to put it on.

"Okay. Lets go," Alice said.

I got up and I was glad that my cast was off.

We headed downstairs and I saw couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

Edward was wearing a tux and I liked it.

When I at the bottom, I smiled at him.

"Okay! Picture time," Esme said.

Edward came by my side and put his arms around me.

Esme took pictures of us and my siblings.

"Okay! Lets go! Bye guys," Alice said.

We said bye to our parents and got in the car. Edward and I are taking my Camara. Emmett and Rosalie was taking Rose's Mercedes. Alice and Jasper are taking Edward's Volvo.

Edward opened the door for me and I got in.

He was driving. On the way there, he took my hand and kissed it. I blushed.

"You look so beautiful Bella."


He kept rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

We arrived and Edward opened my door. I felt every guy's eyes on me. It was making me uncomfortable.

I heard Edward growled. I looked up and met his eyes.

"I only want you Edward."

His eyes turned from a golden color to a pitch black color. His eyes were just filled with love.

He leaned down and kissed me softly. I smiled.

He pulled back and his golden color came back.

"I love you, Isabella."

"As I love you Edward."

He smiled his crooked smile and put his arm around my waist. And we went inside.

I actually had a good time. I danced with Edward and my brothers. I also danced with Peeta, Kenny, and Danny. Danny was prom king. I was prom queen.

After the prom, we went home. I changed into skinny jeans, a black shirt, Edward's jacket, and my converses.

I asked Edward to take me to our meadow.

I ended up sleeping in the meadow, Edward's arm around me, and dreaming about him.

That's how my night ended.

Hoped you liked it!

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