The Hunt

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I gasped when I saw James coming towards us. Oh how I wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

The guy with the black hair spoke,"Hello. My name is Laurent. This is Victoria and James."

I felt mom tense up when Laurent said James. But they don't know what he looks like. I put the picture of him in my shoe box. Nobody knows what he looks like but me.

"Hello. I'm Carlisle and this is my family. Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Bella."

James was looking at everyone but stopped on me. My eyes showed fear. I couldn't look away.

"Well, we would like to play if its fine with you," Laurent said.

"It's fine. Four of us was about to leave. You can take their place."

"Alright then."

Edward turned around, facing towards me, and wrapped his arm around my waist. Mom went to dad's side. Alice and Emmett was also by my side.

When we started heading towards the forest, the wind changed direction. A slight breeze hit me. My scent. I turned around to see James sniffing the air.

"It looks like you brought a snack," I heard James say.

Then Edward use his vampire speed to crouch in front on me. Alice and Emmett was on my side. James and Edward were growling at each other.

"James," Laurent said. He put his hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him down.

James kept looking at me and he chuckled darkly,"I don't believe it. I recognized those brown eyes. It's the little girl that was hiding under a bush. You remember, right? The day I killed your parents."

I froze. He remembers me by my eyes. Why does my eyes have to be recognizable?!

The family growled and hiss.

"I'm sorry but I guess we won't be playing. Lets go James," Laurent said.

Edward quickly grabbed my arm and sped walked towards the forest. Alice and Emmett were behind us. And I'm surprised that Emmett was following us because by now, he would have ripped James's head off.

Once we were in the forest, Edward grabbed me and the next thing I knew is that I was on Edward's back. I tightened my grip on his neck and waist. I felt tears coming down my cheeks. I whimpered.

"Sh. Bella please don't cry," Edward said.

I couldn't stop. The tears won't stop falling. We made it to the jeep. Edward put me down and kissed my forehead. Emmett and me got in the back seat. Alice to shotgun and Edward drove.

After Emmett helped me put my seat belt on, Edward drove off. I realized that we were heading away from Forks.

"Where are we going?"

Nobody answered.

"Dammit Edward! Where are you taking me!!"

"Far away from here Bella. I need to get you away from James," Edward growled.

I didn't argue. I stayed silent. I wanted to get away from James also. Then it hit me. He will know that Edward will be with me 24/7 until James dies. I know that the family will follow him but there something about him.

"Edward? Is James a tracker?"

"Yes," he growled.

That explains it. Trackers are very intelligence. They will stop at nothing. Their hunting is an obsession. James is possibly making plans and tricks on how to get Edward away from me. Then it hit me again. James will use my love ones to get me away from Edward. My family and my friends. I don't them to die because of me. My friends don't need to enter this vampire world. James will possibly kill my friends, my family, my Edward just to get to me. I can't let that happen.

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