My Wish Came True

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It's been two weeks since I found out the truth. I asked my parents to let me visit Billy. Since I wanted to know more about my real parents. They didn't like the idea, but they let me.

Billy was like my uncle now. And Jacob is like brother. I got to know more about the pack. And their imprints. Sam's imprint, Emily I respect her. She is basically a mother. And being a mother is the hardest job in the world. She remind me of Esme. They are both caring, lovable, and they both have to take care of these crazy vampires or wolves. Without Esme, there would be a lot of fights going on. She can't stand watching her kids get hurt. Without Emily, the wolves would be even more crazier. She treats the pack like her kids. She also can't stand watching the pack be in pain. And Emily doesn't mind if I was raised by vampires. So we got along pretty well.

The pack is fun. They treated me like family. Except for Leah. She doesn't like me because of my vampire family. Seth is like a younger brother. So is Jacob.

He is two years younger than me. And I can tell he has a crush on me. I can see it in his eyes, I see how he acts around me, and Edward told me.

Edward told me when I came back one day from the pack.

My family wasn't to thrilled when I spent way too much time with the pack. Alice is basically worried every time I leave. Edward... Will be Edward. The same overprotective brother I love. Rosalie... She doesn't talk to me much. The rest, they don't like it, but they pretend to be okay with it.

Today, I'm going to the mall with Jake since he asked me to go with him. I hope he doesn't treat it like a date. I don't love him that way. I love him like family. That's it.

I'm wearing a royal blue dress that stops at my knees and only has one strap. It's loose at the bottom but tight on the top. My hair curled and has a blue pin in it. I was wearing blue eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss. I was also wearing high heels.

It's now 5. Jake is picking me up in 30 minutes.

I headed back downstairs to wait for him. I sat on the couch next to Edward, and watched Emmett and Jasper play the Xbox. Emmett eventually won and won $300 dollars.

Then I heard a knock on the door. The boys growled since they want me to do nothing with the wolves.

"Oh shut up," I muttered as I got up.

Mom opened the door and I saw Jake's eyes pop out. I gave him a sweet smile. And I noticed that Edward tensed up. I hope this ends well.

"Hey Jake!"

"Sup Bells. Ready?"

"Yep. I'll see you outside."

He smiled and nodded. Then went outside.

"Bye guys!"

Everyone said their byes and I walked out the door.

Jake was already in the driver's seat, so I had to open the door myself. I got use to people opening my door, so it feels weird when I open it.

It took 30 minutes to get to the mall. Once we got there, it was already 6.

"So, what are we going to do," I asked while getting out the car.

"First we buy a few things. Then eat, and then watch a movie. Does that sound good?"


We walked inside and went shopping. Well, I did. Jake insisted on paying everything. I didn't want to argue, so I let him.

After lunch, we were going to watch a movie.

I was standing by the water fountain, waiting for Jake to come back and get the tickets. I grabbed a quarter in my purse and made a wish.

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