I Hate Tanya

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I was sitting next to Edward while my family was waiting for my cousins. I wonder why they never mentioned them. I started tracing the blue veins on Edward's arm. My Edward. He was the best big brother ever. And Alice was my favorite sister. Emmett was my annoying brother. Jasper is awesome once you get to know him. Rosalie is like my second mom. Esme and Carlisle are the best parents in the whole world. I just love my family. Even though they are strange. They say that they have already eaten, even if I've been with them throughout the entire day. And they are cold, ice cold all the time. And their eyes always confuses me. They change to topaz to coal black, and keeps going back and forth. Right now, they're all topaz. Weird...

I heard a car door shut.

"Time to meet your cousins Bella," Edward said while picking me up. I smiled. We walked towards the door and I saw 5 beautiful people. I saw a guy with brown hair and topaz eyes. He looked like a movie star to me. Uncle Eleazar. He had his arm wrapped around a beautiful woman with brown hair and topaz eyes. Aunt Carmen. And three blondes with the same eyes. Does everyone have topaz eyes?! One had wavy hair. The second one has straight hair. And the third one had curly hair. They must be adopted.

"Hello Eleazar. Long time, no see," Daddy said.

"Hello Carlisle. It has been a long time," Uncle Eleazar said. After that, they were already in a deep conversation.

"Esme! I missed you! How are doing," Aunt Carmen said happily.

"I'm doing great Carmen! I missed you too," Mommy said. They hugged each other tightly.

"Hello Kate, Irina, and Tanya," Mommy said. I still don't know which one is which.

"Hello Esme. I'm so happy to see you again," said the blonde with the straight hair.

"So am I, Kate."

Okay, blonde with straight hair, Kate.

The one with the curly hair looked at me.

"Who is this?" She said in a sweet voice. Daddy stopped talking and looked at me. The whole family came in the room. Every eye was on me. And it was awkward because it is now silent.

"Um... This is Bella," Rosalie broke the silence.

"Lets go to the living room and we will explain," Edward said while putting me down and taking my hand. We all walked in the living room. I knew was going to happen next. Daddy was going to tell them that they adopted me. I already know that I'm adopted. They told me. I asked Alice one day why we are all different for our parents. That's when they told me that I was found under a bush. So they raised me together. But what stayed in my mind is that why would my real parents leave me like that?

I sat on Edward's lap on the couch. Alice sat next to Edward while everyone else took their own seats except for Daddy.

"Okay. Bella is my adopted daughter."

I flinched when he said adopted. Edward hugged me tightly and kissed my head.

"Um, Carlisle........" Uncle Eleazar said but then whispered something so I couldn't hear. Daddy walked over to him so he can hear. But then Daddy shook his head. What was happening?

"Um, Bella. Why don't you go to your room for a while," Rosalie said. I nodded and got up from Edward's lap and made my way up the stairs and to my room. Once I was in my room, I collapsed on my bed. Wondering what is going on...


I saw Bella made her way upstairs and heard the door shut.

"Carlisle, if the Volturi finds out then-"

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