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I woke up. I still felt sleepy. So I pulled the covers over me. And went back to sleep.

Then I heard my alarm go off.

I used my fist to hit snooze button.

I heard a few chuckles.

Then someone pulled the covers off of me.

I opened my eyes and saw Alice holding the covers. Of course.

"I hate you Alice," I muttered.

"No you don't! You love me!!"

I saw Rosalie run to my bed and she started jumping on my bed. I manage to sit up after Alice decided to jump on my bed also.

"Why are you jumping on my bed?"

"Because you need to stay awake."

"I am awake!"

They stopped and started grinning at me.



Alice looked at me,"Do you know what day it is?"

I tried to remember but I couldn't. I shook my head.

"Wow," Rosalie said.

"Here is a hint," Alice said.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" Everyone yelled when they came out their hiding spots.

Mom and Dad was hiding in my closet. Emmett and Jasper was in my bathroom. And Edward came out of nowhere but he was by my side.

I smiled,"Thanks guys."

"How could you forget your own birthday," Jasper asked.

"I don't know. I lost track of time."

"And now you are losing time. Better get ready school Bella, or you'll be late," mom said.

"Aw! Can't I stay home today," I whined.

"Absolutely not! Now get ready birthday girl."

"That's right. Now everyone, shoo," Alice said.

Everyone got out and Alice handed me an outfit.

I took a shower and the put the outfit on. I actually liked it.

It was a dark blue party dress. It was strapless and there was a little baby blue at the top of my dress. A thick black ribbon around my waist and also a baby blue flower. Black heels, and I wore my necklace that my parents gave me. Dark blue eye shadow, mascara, a little blush, and lip gloss. My hair was a little curled and had a dark blue headband. Alice also gave me a black jacket that stopped at my stomach.

We headed downstairs and I ate blueberries pancakes made by Edward.

After I was done, got ready to leave. I was heading towards the garage and Emmett was in front of me in a flash.


"Close your eyes."

I closed them and someone picked me up for a minute. Then I was set on my feet.

"Okay. Open them," Jasper said.

I opened my eyes and right there. I saw a black Ferrari.

"It's a gift from me and Jasper," Emmett said.

"Happy birthday Bella," Jasper said.

I squealed and hugged them.

Emmett handed me the keys and took them.

"Alright. Have a good day at school," dad said.

We said our goodbyes and I got in my Ferrari. Edward was in shotgun. Emmett and Alice in the backseat.

Jasper and Rosalie took my Camero.

I drove to school and everyone kept staring at my car.

I grinned and found a decent spot. I got out and my group came over.

"Happy Birthday!!"

"Thanks guys."

"Wow. Nice ride," Danny said.

"Thanks! Emmett and Jasper gave it to me."

We started talking and then the bell rang.

When I went to class (it's my senior year. And I have 1st period with my group! The streak survives!), a lot of students said happy birthday to me. I even earn a cupcake that had a candle on it. At lunch, the lunch ladies gave me an awesome lunch.

There was catfish, a few fries, a little cupcake, grapes, chocolate covered strawberries, and pink lemonade and tea.

School went by fast and Alice and Edward wanted to take me shopping. Well, Alice did. Edward just wanted to join.

Since Alice was with me all my life, I have good fashion sense. So I chose some of my own clothes. I was happy!

Then it was 5 when we left the mall. But when I arrived home at 6, inside the house was pitch black. And there was a lot of cars. That would explain why Alice took me shopping.

When I got inside, everyone jumped out and yelled,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

I saw my family, my group, and about 30 or 40 people from school. Including Ashley.

Ashley and I somehow became good friends.

Anyway, the party lasted for about 3 hours. I have 23 presents. Including a gift from Tyler and from the Denalis. I miss them both. But on the bright side, Tyler found a new girl. I met her during the summer when we ran into each at the mall. Her name was Rachell. And I didn't feel awkward at all. Neither did Tyler.

I also gain about $700 also. Kenny told me that everyone doesn't want a teddy bear or a tv. People want envelopes. Envelopes that you can squeeze. And I agree with him.

After everyone left, we decided to open a few presents.

"This came from Esme and Carlisle," Alice said.

It was a small rectangular box. I opened it and it showed a golden necklace with a heart on it. But the heart had a lock on it. And beside the heart is a key.

"I love it! Thanks mom and dad!"

I hugged them both and kissed their cheeks.

"Alright. Let me see if I can top that," Emmett said.

He walked over to the table with the presents on it. He grabbed a huge square one.

He put it on the coffee table and I ripped the paper.

It was a brown box.

"Yay! I always wanted a big brown box," I said in a sarcastic tone.

Emmett pulled the tape off and I opened it. Then a other box showed up. I pulled it put and opened it. Another box.

And I kept doing the same thing over and over 15 times. I started to get pissed.

Till finally, a tiny box showed up.

"Is this the final one?"

Emmett shrugged.

I opened it and saw a necklace and bracelet. The necklace has a silver lightning bolt on it. The bracelet had the word Shocked.

"Thanks Emmett!"

I gave him a hug and Rosalie handed me a case.

A guitar case.

I opened it and saw a custom made electric guitar.

It was white with sparkly silver on it. My name was on it in silver and in cursive.

"Oh my gosh! I love it!!!"

"It comes with an amplifier also."

I hugged Rosalie.

Alice was next. Oh boy...

She handed me a box. I knew something was inside since it was a little heavy.

I opened it and saw custom made beats. It was neon blue with a silver lightning design on it.

"When you are listening to music in the dark, the lightning flashes," Alice explained.

"Thanks Alice. I love it."

I hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Jasper was next.

"Your gift is in the music room."

He took my hand and lead me to the room.

The music room has Edward's piano, my guitars, my clarinet, flute, and... A new set of drums.

"You got me a drum set!"

"Happy birthday Bella."

I hugged him tightly and thanked him.

We went back to the living room and Edward was next.

He turned me around and then he put a necklace on me.

It was the letter E with a blue diamond in a corner.

"E for Edward."

"Yep. Happy birthday love."

I smiled and kissed him for a minute.

"Okay! Last present for today," Alice said.

She handed me a small box.

"It's from Kate."

I smiled and started to rip the paper.

Then I got a paper cut.

It started to bleed.

Then the most surprising this happened.

All of sudden, Emmett smashed into the window and broke it. Jasper and Dad smashed into the wall. Making a whole in it. Mom and Rosalie fly backwards to the other room. I heard something break. Alice smashed into the tv. And Edward... He was still standing next me.

I had my finger in my mouth because I was nursing it.

What the hell happened?

"What did you say," Edward asked.

"I didn't say anything."

That's strange...

"I can read your mind!"

I froze. He can read my mind. Then I noticed a blue and white shiny bubble around me and Edward.

"Bella. What was that?"

I looked at Jasper and shrugged.

I concentrate on the bubble and it slowly grew smaller.

Dad came close to me.

"You must be a shield."

"A shield?"

"You can block mental attacks and physical attacks which is why Edward couldn't read your mind."


"Alright. We can discuss this later. But for now, Bella get ready for bed," mom said.

I nodded and headed upstairs.

I was in my room and Edward came in.

I smiled.

"Lets go to our meadow for a bit."

I smiled bigger and nodded. He carried me bridal style and we made it to the meadow.

It was actually a clear sky tonight. It was full moon and the stars are bright. The moonlight made the meadow glow. It was beautiful.

He set me down in the middle of the meadow.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

Then he got down on one knee. I gasped.

He pulled out a ring and it was sparkling under the moonlight.

"Isabella Swan, I promise to love you, every moment of forever. Will you do the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife?"

I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Yes," I gasped.

He smiled and slid the ring on my finger.

He stood up and wiped away the tear.

"I love you Edward."

"As I love you Isabella."

He leaned down and kissed me passionately.

This is the best the birthday ever!!!

Hoped you like it! :)

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