The Truth And The Memories

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It's been one month since Tyler left.

It's now summer. Tyler left in May. So it's June.

The first week, I was depressed. I didn't eat much, or talk much. I stayed in my room and looked out the window. At school, I just stay quiet. I'm barely listening. Everyone already got the message. So they leave me alone. At night, I scream, "TYLER DON'T LEAVE!!!" Good thing Edward is there. He calmed me down.

The second week, I started talking and eating well. But I mostly stay silence. My friends and my family are trying to cheer me up. They are so sweet! I really don't deserve friends and family like them. I stopped screaming at night. But I still have dreams about Tyler leaving.

The third week, I'm halfway over Tyler. I'm starting to go back to normal. The same loud weird girl that my family and friends knew. The dreams stopped. But now I'm dreaming about Edward and me. Sometimes, the evil Edward pops up. But most of the time, it's me and Edward in our meadow... Almost share a kiss.

Fourth week, I'm sad. But I don't show it. I fake a smile sometimes, but since my friends and family are cheering me up, I basically don't need to put on a fake smile.

Everything is different now. Edward... He is extra careful around me. Like before he says something, he thinks about it for a minute, then say it. Ashley... Is starting to be nice to me. She stopped all trash talking. And stopped getting on my nerves. The school's football team isn't the same. We started losing at first. But luckily, Danny joined the team and became captain. Peeta and Kenny joined also, which made a great improvement to the team. Now the school is winning again.

I'm still wearing the bracelet. I put my pictures of me and Tyler in my shoe box. I want to move on. It's for the best. I still miss him. And I do love him. But I'm glad. I finally got that spark I wanted. But a tiny one. Still, I got a spark.

Right now, I'm arguing with Emmett.

"Can we please stop talking about this!" I asked.


"Because jealous that you don't have to deal with acne!"

"Haha! I'm a vampire! I don't have acne. You are a human. You have to deal with acne."

"Ugh! I hate you!"

"Good. Then my work here is done." Emmett then sat on the recliner and watched the football game.

I rolled my eyes. I headed up stairs and into my bathroom. Alice was already there and handed me Epiduo.

I put it on. Luckily, it wasn't that much acne in my face.

My phone rang.

Alice ran and got it.

"Hello!... Okay it's Autumn."

I grabbed the phone," Hello."

"Hey Bella! Me and the group are going to La Push. Want to come?"

"Um..." I looked at Alice. She had a worried face. The reason why is because she is afraid on what will happen over there. Because the werewolves are there.

"I don't know Autumn."

"O c'mon! Please!!"

*sigh* "Fine. I'll go."

Autumn squealed," Yay! Do you want to meet us there?"

"Yeah. What time?"

"We're heading there is 10 minutes."

"Okay. I'll be there. Bye."


I hung up and looked at Alice.

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