It's A Trap

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"Bella... Wake up."

I heard Alice's voice.

"Jasper, carry her."

I felt cold arms pick me up. A heat wave hit me. I groaned and snuggled closer to Jasper. I heard Jasper chuckle.

Then it got cold. I heard footsteps going down the hall. Possibly ours. Then I heard a door open and close. I felt comfortable in Jasper's arms so I snuggled closer to him. And I fell asleep.

I woke up and I felt cold arms around me. I took a deep breath. It was Jasper. I recognized that pine tree scent. Emmett had a wild scent. Carlisle had an ocean scent. Esme had a sweet scent. Rosalie had a rose scent. Alice had flower scent. While Edward has a honey scent.

"Hey Jasper," I muttered.

"Hey Bells."

"Hey Bella!"

I saw Alice coming in.

"Hey Alice. Where are we?"

"Phoenix, Arizona."


I sat up and looked at the time. It was 10. But it looks like it was night.

I got up and went to the curtains. I pulled them aside and the sun started to blind me.

I put my hand over my eyes,"Ah! The sun! It burns!!!"

I heard the curtain close and I took my hand away from my eyes.

"Lets not do that," Alice said.

I nodded. Then I recognized this room. I went to nightstand and looked in the drawer. Underneath was a taped piece of paper. I took it off and flipped it over.

Dear Stranger Who Found This Paper,

Me, Bella, and my friends, Peeta, Danny, Kenny, Autumn, Summer, and Jo just wanted to say:

Hi! Hope you have a nice day! :)


B, P, D, K, A, S, & J.

I smiled and put it back where it was.

"What was that Bella," Jasper asked.

"Oh, well, remember when Peeta's mom took me and my friends on a vacation when I was 7?"

They nodded.

"Well, we stayed in this hotel room and we decide to leave a message for the next person who stays here."

"What did the message say," Alice asked.

"Hope you have a nice day."

"At least you were nice," Jasper said.

Then the phone rang.

Alice went to go get. I saw my clothes on the dresser and grabbed and took a shower.

I came back out and entered the other room. Alice was pacing back and forth. Jasper was watching Alice.

Then she had vision.

Jasper came by her side and I froze.


"What happened Alice?"

"James found out that scent was fake. But then it showed a dark room."

Alice and Jasper sat down on the couch. Alice was drawing something on a piece of paper.

My Beautiful BellaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora