The Fight

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I might not be able to hear that far, but my mind reading range has improved.

"The fight started."

I felt Bella tensed up.

I read their minds.

Emmett just took down three, no, four people.

Then I saw Rose running in Mike's mind.

"Rose just arrived."

Rose kicked a guy and ripped his arm off. But someone behind put her in a headlock.

But Mike and Drake took him off of her.

"Rose is safe."

Esme did a backflip and landed on top of a girl. Esme ripped her head at the same time when Carlisle and Eleazar ripped the girl's arms off.

Jasper tackled someone and they rolled on the ground. But Jasper ended his life.

Alice was fighting two girls at the same time, until Crystal joined in.

Then I heard Laurent's mind.

"Laurent is here."

"What? Why," Kate asked.

I read his mind and growled.

"He is on Victoria's side."

Kate gasped,"That bastard!"

I saw Irina ended someone's life. But she turned around and saw Laurent.

Then Irina tackled Laurent. They fought. But I then saw Laurent pull out a weapon?

Wait... They brought weapons?!

"They brought weapons!"

"What!" Michael yelled.

I saw Laurent start to hit Irina with a chain.

I saw Carmen. She was getting beat up by two guys with a chain.

But Eleazar tackled one of them and ended his life. The other guy froze. Carmen got up and ripped his head off.

Alice now has chain. She wrapped it around a girl's head. Alice had end of the chain and Jasper had the other end. Then they pulled. Tightening the chain around the girl's throat. Until her head fell off.

Emmett has a chain with a spiky ball at the end. Rosalie has a... Sword?!

Emmett swung the ball in the air and landed on some guy. He fell to the ground and Rosalie cut him in the throat. The sword went through him.

Where did they get this weapon?

"They brought a sword."

"They got a fucking sword," Bella said.

I also saw someone holding another sword and only one person has a spear.

I saw Irina with a chain. She used her speed and wrapped it around Laurent'a head. Then she tighten it around his throat. Then she ended his life.

I saw tear run down her cheek.

She just ended her soul mate's life.

I found Edward's scent. Bella should be with him...

Wait! That was Victoria!

She found my scent.

Then I heard Tanya's mind.

I will enjoy ending Bella's life!

My arm tightened around Bella's waist.

"They found us."

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