Gone For One Week

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I have no idea where I am. All I know is that I'm in the forest. Running away from somebody. It was midnight. The owls and night creatures already came out. Then I reached to our meadow. It was full moon. My skin looks like it was sparkling in the moonlight.

Then I heard something. I turned around.


Where was he?

I heard an evil chuckle. My heart rate quicken. I think I'm turning even more paler.

"Good evening Isabella."

It was Edward. He came out from the shadows and into the moonlight. But this wasn't the Edward that I know. He had ruby red eyes.

"Edward. What happened to you?!"

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head. Then the wind changed direction. Edward sniffed my scent.

Then he used his vampire speed. He was now in front of me.

"Can I now finish what I started?"

I looked at him confused. Then I felt someone run down my right arm. I looked and saw blood. I followed the blood. I used my left hand to follow it. The blood came from my... Neck! But how!

Edward chuckled," Don't worry. I'll end your life slowly."

Then he bit my neck.

I jolted right up in my bed. My bed. My room. My house. I'm not in the forest. I looked at the clock. It's almost 3 in the morning! I tried to control my breathing. My heart might pop out of my chest. I couldn't help but checked for blood on my arms. I got up and went in my bathroom. I looked in the mirror. No bite mark. No blood. But my skin color is even paler. And I'm sweating. I couldn't calm down. Where is Jasper when you need him?!

I took some deep breaths.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream," I whispered.

I finally calmed after 15 minutes. I'm surprised that Alice or anyone came up here... Unless they went hunting. I sigh.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?"


"I'm in here mom."

"What happened?"

"Um. Just a dream. Where is Edward?"

I really need him right now. Even if he is trying to kill me in my dream. But that was a different Edward. I want my Edward. The person who always comfort me and always be there for me.

"I don't know. I think he went hunting."

"Didn't you go hunting? Along with the rest of the family."

"No. We never left."

"That's weird."

"Do you want Jasper to calm you down?"

"Yes please."

A wave of calmness came to me.

"Thanks Jasper," I whispered.

"So, Edward isn't here?"

"I'm afraid not Bella."

"Does Alice knows?"

"I don't know. Let me ask. But you, get to bed alright."

I sighed and went back to bed. Mom left the room. So I waited until she or Edward comes back.

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