Isabella Marie Swan

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I laid back on my bed. For some strange reason, I feel tired... If vampires could sleep, I would be knocked out right about by now. We are almost done un-packing. Well, I'm done un-packing. My family and I just came back from Alaska, after living with the Denali's coven for a while. I'm just glad that I'm now away from Tanya. She keeps trying to flirt with me, trying to get my attention, but it was pathetic to see her try. I sighed. I wish I can find my soul mate. I am the only one in my family who doesn't have a mate. My adopted brothers have mates. My father has his mate. Carlisle found Esme when she jumped off a cliff but almost survived. Rosalie found Emmett when he was mauled by a bear and begged Carlisle to save his life. Alice found Jasper by her vision to see the future. And here I am, still searching. I took a deep breath and put on my headphones in so I can get my mind off of things. I then saw myself in Alice's mind. Yeah, I can read minds. Jasper can feel every emotion that a person has. I opened my eyes and turned my head towards Alice. She was standing at the doorway, smiling at me. I smiled back. My favorite sister. She has short black hair that is pointed in all directions. Small. Obsessed with shopping. And is always hyper. Reminds me of a pixie. "Hey big bro. How's it going." She sat herself on my bed. I sat up and paused the music. "Nothing much. Just thinking..."



"Oh. Well, at least we are done un-packing. And I bet you are happy to be away from Tanya."

"Yes. I am really happy." That girl just doesn't give up. But I respect that.

"Well, I'm going to help Esme with the garden. Bye! Oh, and I'll lay out your clothes for tomorrow!" After she said that, she left. I rolled my eyes. I hate it when Alice chooses my clothes. I am able to dress myself. I closed my eyes. Then I heard footsteps. I opened my eyes and found my favorite brother, Emmett, and my other brother, Jasper.

Dammit! We can never sneak up on you! Just turn the mind-reading off!! - Emmett thought

"It is something I can't turn off, Emmett."

"But it's not fair!!!!" I laughed when Emmett started whining like a child. Jasper chuckled.


We all froze. I never heard Rosalie scream at Emmett before. Nor ever heard her use that type of language before. Emmett had a shocked expression. "Wow." That was all Jasper could say. "Okay. Let's changed the subject now," Emmett suggested.

We nodded in agreement. Then started taking about our sisters and how annoying they can be. But at the end, we all agreed that no matter who they are, we still love them. Even if they get on our nerves.

"Well, I'm going hunting. Later guys." I sped out my room, out the house, and into the woods. The scent of mountain lions made my mouth fill with venom. I found a mountain lion and tackled it down. Snapping it's neck, ending it's life. I bit it's neck, sucking the blood, until there was no more. I tossed the corpse aside and went to find more mountain lions. Then I came across a faint scent. Vampire. I walked in human speed. I wasn't going far and I wasn't planning on find this vampire. But I stop dead in my tracks when I heard a baby's laugh. That laugh scared the shit out of me.

Then I heard it again. This is scaring me now... Then I saw movement in a bush. I slowly walked towards it. But I'm ready to make a run for it. I lifted the branches of the bush and gasped. There, underneath the bush, lays an unharmed baby wrapped in a pink fluffy blanket. A girl. She was laughing because the leaves were tickling her nose. She noticed me and looked at me. Chocolate brown eyes that you can easily get lost in. It took a while for me to get back to reality. Tiny pink lips. And there was no sign of her harmed or damaged.

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