Awards, Crushes, Advice

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I was looking at Bella's trophies in her trophy room. When she was 5, she joined a dance class. She won lots of awards for being an awesome dancer. She even went to London to dance in front of the Queen of England, the Queen asked her to come with the rest of the dance class. Not to mention, she sang the national anthem at the Super Bowl when she was ten. Her friend, Peeta, his mom heard her sing and asked her manager to get her to sing at the Super Bowl. In 6th grade, she joined the school's band. She plays the clarinet. After winning many awards, the band director asked Bella to be her assistant. She gladly accepted it. Then she joined cheerleading. Then two weeks later after she joined, they made her captain of the cheerleading squad. The whole family was impressed. Also a dangerous fighter. The whole family, besides Esme and Carlisle, taught her how to fight. At age 7, she took karate class and earned the black belt, ten trophies and eleven medals. At age 8, she took kickboxing class. Then earned a belt, twelve trophies, and fifteen medals. And every year, she gets better and better at fighting. And she is an amazing artist. Famous artists from around the world saw her paintings, they were all impressed. They even bought some of her paintings that were between 2000 to 7000 dollars. My favorite one of her paintings was the one where she drew our meadow. And that painting won first prize also. And it was her very first painting. When someone tried to buy the painting, she told them that it was not for sale. That the painting is priceless.

Bella won so many awards that we might need to build another trophy room. Right now, Bella is 15 and is in the 9th grade. Now she was allowed to tell her friends about us.

The "story": During the summer, Esme and Carlisle adopted us. They were planning to get one child, which was me. But I "told" them that I was not leaving unless they adopt Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie also. So they adopted 5 kids. And we are "shy", so we are being homeschool. Until Bella enters 10th grade, we go to high school with Bella. We are all going to be in the 10th grade because she wanted to graduate with all of us. And her friends are allowed to see us also.

When I meet the girls, I read there mind. They were all thinking, This can't be her brother! Her brother is hot!

Eventually, they stopped thinking about that after a while. It felt a little embarrassing to be near the girls because they would just stare at me. But they never flirted with me. I was relieved that they only had a small crush on me. But their crush started to fade away quickly.

I had to hold back the laughter because the guys got jealous. In their mind, Oh great! Now my girl will be focused on him. Why does life hate me!

They stopped thinking about those thoughts after they realized that the girls stopped staring at me. I read their thoughts, and me and Bella decided to help them get their crush.

Luckily, they all got together. Peeta with Jordan. Danny with Autumn. And Kenny with Summer. Of course, I had to help the boys gain their confidence to ask them out. Bella helped the girls by trying to flirt with the guys. Eventually the guys asked the girls out.

Peeta asked Jordan out by taking her to her favorite restaurant, going to the movies, and end their night with a kiss. Danny asked Autumn out by taking her to the mall. When they had a great time there, Danny took Autumn to the park. Then he kissed her when it was sunset and they were on the bridge that was over the lake. Kenny, he took Summer to the beach and at night, they shared their kiss. And now, I'm trying my best to get Bella's attention. Esme and Alice are helping me. I told my family about Bella being my soulmate. They agreed to help me a little. I also asked Bella's group, The Gifted Kids, on how to get her attention also. They told a lot more about Bella. I didn't even know that Bella was loud. She is never loud at the house. Only when Emmett is scaring her, Alice getting on her nerves, being happy if she beats Jasper in chess, or if I'm messing with her. I also found out what she likes in a guy. Summer told me that she is into a guy that's a little nerdy. Autumn told me that she likes bad boys a little. Jordan told me that she just wants a guy to love her and respect her. They also told me that I should try to take her out to her favorite places. Buy her small gifts that is not too fancy or too expensive. Stay by her side. Let her know that I'm always there for her.

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