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I was tagged by @BOSS_ARSE_BISH

You must post these rules
You must tag 13 people
You must post 13 facts about yourself
You must complete the tag within a week
You must answer the 13 questions and post 13 more
'I don't do tags' is unacceptable
Tag backs are allowed

Facts (don't get excited I'm really not that interesting)
> My favourite colour is yellow/orange, which is weird considering all I wear is black oops
> There are 69 (heheheh) albums on my phone #notenough
> I've been to many concerts, so much so that according to those crappy hearing tests on youtube I have the ears of a 50 year old. I'm 16. Oops. I'm a pop punk/rock/indie/alternative kinda girl. I HAVE A WIDE RANGE DON'T HURT ME
> I collect pop vinyls. I own 15: Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj from The Big Bang Theory, Sam, Dean, Cas, Crowley and Charlie, the 10th, 11th and 12th doctors, and Sherlock John and Moriarty. I admit, it is a problem.
> I have social anxiety but when you get to know me I'm a clingy pain in the backside, my best friend ADRIENNE can confirm that
> I don't like curry, I once tried a Korma at a friend's birthday party and cried. I no likey the spicey.
> I've never been in a relationship, ik I'm 'only 16' but a lot of people I know have been in thousands of relationships and I'm just sat here crying with ice cream. Probably why no one likes me tbh. The closest thing I have to a relationship is my best friend. We're kinda worryingly close. It got to the point where my music teacher thought we were a couple.
> I play guitar, bass, piano, and sTEEL PANS HOW COOL AM I???
> I'm really not very cool. But at the same time I'm amazing.
> When I is a big girl I woulds likes to be a police officer
> I'm currently doing my GCSE's (which is why I rarely post anymore) and I have a place in 3 6th forms/colleges so far which I'm kinda excited/kinda scared about
> I'm English but I don't have the attractive English accent that everyone thinks of. FIGHT IS AM FROM TEH NORTH
> I like supernatural. Like, A LOT.


1. DC or Marvel?

Contrary to my Batman school backpack, I actually prefer marvel as a whole. The Avengers is one of my favourite things in the entire world, and my favourite superhero is Spiderman/Iron Man/Captain America. I'm really a terrible person I can't choose I'm sorry, love me

2. What character death made you cry the most?

Okay I'm one of the people who bawled my eyes out at Ash's death and Bobby's and Rufus', but honestly, although it's not a "death", the 11th doctor's regeneration absolutely killed me. Matt Smith was my favourite doctor, I thought he brought so much to the show, and I'd been trying to prepare myself for his regeneration but I wasn't ready. I watched it on Christmas day with my family and I cried so hard I had to leave the room. We then went to see my grandparents and they were like "Is she okay? Has something happened?" And my parents were just like "Doctor Who" and my grandma gave me a biscuit and it was nice but tHEY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN.

3. What's your favourite TV show and why?

Doctor Who has always been my thing, if someone was trying to remember something about doctor who they'd come straight to me and be like "yo remember this time in dw", but since I started watching spn it's been my entire life. Doctor Who will always be there, but I don't think Peter Capaldi has been getting good enough storylines. Like, at all. He has so much potential and they're letting him down. UGH. Basically spn atm

4. Doctor Who or Sherlock and why?

I adore Sherlock with all my heart, it's so clever and funny and the cONTINUITY OMG. But Doctor Who hands down. Sorry Sherl ily

5. What book do you love?

Oh my god. Well my favourite author is Harlan Coben, and I genuinely love his Mickey Bolitar series for young adults. He writes books for older readers about Myron Bolitar, and Mickey is his nephew, but I just love the characters in the Mickey Bolitar books, so I'd probably have to say Shelter by Harlan Coben. But Tfios and The Perks. Ugh. Nope. My choice is made. Shelter. Dammit why do I read so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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