Let me explain

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Hey guys!!

Okay, I wanted to start by apologising. I am so, so sorry for not updating. According to my phone the last time I updated was the 4th of July, and it's now the 9th of September... that's quite a while.

I thought I should just let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about you! I adore writing these imagines because I get to express a little of myself through the writing, and from comments I get the idea that you actually like reading these (which makes me more delighted than words can say). But lately I've been feeling really unmotivated to write anything, or do anything for that matter. I feel like things I usually enjoy are starting to feel more like chores. I used to use these imagines to help myself unwind because I enjoyed them so much, and I don't know what's happened, I guess I'm just under a lot of stress from school and it's starting to affect my hobbies too, which sucks.

Anyway I don't want to be a total downer, but I feel awful that I hardly ever update and when I do they're crappy. I have a really, really long list of imagines that I must write at some point, but again I don't know when that'll be. Also, I get a lot of votes on my imagines (I have so many on this collection it's crazy, thank you so much!), so comment notifications get lost among the waves of votes in my notification panel, and I often don't see when I get comments, so if there's something you want me to definitely see, like a request, I'd be really grateful if you'd drop it in a DM to me, that way I get a different notification and it's guaranteed I'll see it. As for comments on specific stories, I do try and read through all of the comments on stories, just to see what you guys think, even if I don't reply, but I don't do it often so please don't take it personally if I don't reply to a comment, some comments I don't know how to reply to without sounding stupid, but others I just don't see, which I'm also sorry about.

Anyway, enough complaining from me, I hope you guys understand, and I might update another actual imagine in a few weeks when I get a bit stress off my back, so I haven't totally abandoned you guys!

So, earlier today I found a poem I wrote a year or so ago, which I honestly forgot I had! So I thought I could share it with you guys, so I can actually give you something.

I'm not great at poems, so please don't hate me, it's pretty crappy, but I tried.

So here goes!

The profound bond:

A man and an angel
brought together by fate,
grew on each other
at an alarming rate.

A hand reached down
through the veil of Hell,
"He is saved" rang out
as clear as a bell.

They had to stay apart
for Heaven would not have it,
but meeting each other
had become a habit.

They both felt alone
now and then,
but they saved each other
again and again.

They were not lost for long
when wandering astray,
forget the forces of Heaven
with each other they would stay.

His name was Dean Winchester
the righteous man,
the angel, Castiel
who wore black, white and tan.

In the hardest of times
the man would pray,
"Don't leave me, please
promise you'll stay."

The angel had to go
but Dean grabbed his sleeve,
he looked into his eyes
"Please Cas, don't leave."

The man took the hands
of his angel from above,
the angel looked down
"I promise, my love."

So yeah sorry for putting you through that. If you survived then well done, I am genuinely impressed!

So yeah, I really am sorry, for everything. Please don't forget about me, because I haven't forgotten about yous!

I love you guys so much,

~ Moose ♥

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