Chapter 21

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November 16th.

Shawn's POV

"Is that everything, man?" I asked Ty when he walked into my room carin' two shoe boxes. We were in the middle of gettin' his stuff out of her car. He has clothes, shoes, school stuff, and a few pictures of his parents.

Of course my Granny said that he stay wit' us. She wouldn't let him or any one of my friends be homeless. My Granny has the world's biggest heart and I love her for it. Everyone does.

"Yeah. Thank God. I'm tired, cuh." He plopped on my bed. My Granny bought him one those white plastic dressers thingies from Target. It's mainly for his clothes. I put it in on my closet because my Granny told me to. I really didn't care where he put but apparently puttin' it in the closet made senses. The only thing in my closet are my clothes hangin' because I have a shoe shelf outside of my closet.

"Naaaah, nigga get this shit organized." I told him.

"Don't act like this shit was clean before.." I chuckled.

"It was, nigga! My Granny cleaned it, so you better hurry up before she comes in here and gets mad."

"Grown ass got Granny cleanin' after you. Fuckin' shame, nigga. Does she wash yo draws, too?" He laughed but I don't find anything funny.

"So what, nigga! That's because she wants to."

"What chu gon' do when you leave?"

"I don't know. Shit." I shrugged then started scratching my head. "My girl is gonna help me."

"If you don't grow the fuck up."

"Aye! Don't worry about me! You worry about gettin' these clothes in the drawers."

"Y'all alright in here?" Granny peeked in. "Uuh. You better get athis room together, Ty."

"Granny, I had to take a break." Ty said.

"Break is over, baby. You know I like cleanliness. Pooh Bear, help him."

"Why I gotta help him?"

"Because I said so. Don't catch a beat down by catching an attitude. Hear?"


"Ty, baby, what do you want for dinner?"

"Spaghetti." I answered for him.

"Uuuh. I don't recall askin' you."

"Granny!" I said in disbelief. My voice went up an octave. Why is she playin' me for this lil hobbit?


"It's coo. I see how it is.." I nodded.

"Pooh Bear, are you jealous?" Granny giggled.

"Yeah, you jealous, Pooh Bear?" Ty added. Hell yeah I am. I don't care. Shit. This is my Granny. Yeah, he calls her Granny, but so what. I said he could stay here. I didn't anything about sharing my Granny. Nah.

"No. I just want spaghetti."

"Boy.." Granny shook her head then looked at Ty. "What do you want for dinner, baby?" See nah.. I ain't wit' this shit.

"Fish and rice, please." Ty said tryna be cute, innocent and shit. Ugly ass!

"Ohh. You know.. I just bought some tilapia." Granny said happily, like this was God's plan or something.

"It was meant to be, Granny."

"For who?" I asked and Granny chuckled.

"Boy, I'm not payin' you any attention. Y'all get this organized. Dinner will be ready shortly." She walked away.

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